Author: author_pc

  • Fitch affirms Malta at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook

    Fitch affirms Malta at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook

    “The structural reforms and prudent fiscal policies implemented by the government over the recent years have contributed towards another positive credit rating for our country. Fitch affirmed Malta’s rating at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook. This continues to put minds at rest that the country can optimistically keep on looking forward”, said Minister for Finance…



    L-allegazzjoni fuq il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u familtu kienet waħda serjissima u li tul dawn l-aħħar ħmistax -ilxahar kellha mpatt mhux biss fuq il-Prim Ministru nnifsu iżda fuq il-kabinett, l-Gvern, kif ukoll il-pajjiż kollhu. Filfatt din l-allegazzjoni ffabbrikata ħolqot mill-ewwel instabbiltaˋ fuq il-pajjiż. Wieħed jibda jirċievi messaġġi minn kumpaniji barra minn Malta, investituri, istituzzjonijiet kif…



    That PN spokesperson for finance Dr Mario Demarco finds himself in a state of denial and in a panic mode at the present time is understandable and may in some way explain the pathetic opinion piece of his in today’s Times of Malta. And with reason. His beloved party is in tatters a few months before…

  • Malta’s fiscal performance still on track

    Malta’s fiscal performance still on track

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest Government Finance Data, published by the NSO, which shows that in June of this year there was a reduction of €26 million in the Consolidated Fund Deficit. Indeed, total revenue increased by €60 million while total expenditure increased by €35 million. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE…

  • Malta u l-Ġlieda Kontra l-Ħasil tal-Flus

    Malta u l-Ġlieda Kontra l-Ħasil tal-Flus

    Suġġett li qiegħed jinstema’ ħafna u jidher fuq il-midja huwa dak tal–money laundering, dak li bil-Malti nsejħulu l-ħasil tal-flus. Kulħadd huwa konxju li din hija xi ħaġa serja ħafna. Imma jien naħseb li wieħed għandu jsaqsi għaliex hija serja daqshekk u għaliex din il-ġlieda kontra l-ħasil tal-flus? Il-kriminalità għandna istituzzjoni kontriha. Għandna l-pulizija li taħdem…

  • The Malta Stock Exchange partnering with international digital companies to expand its operations

    The Malta Stock Exchange partnering with international digital companies to expand its operations

    The Malta Stock Exchange has launched its subsidiary ‘MSX PLC’. This subsidiary will be entering into strategic joint ventures with reputable international companies in the areas of blockchain and cryptocurrency exchanges thereby expanding the operations of the MSE.   The ‘MSX PLC’ will be the fintech and digital asset arm of the Malta Stock Exchange.…

  • Government looks forward to working with Commission to address concerns in 4th AMLD transposition into national legislation

    Government looks forward to working with Commission to address concerns in 4th AMLD transposition into national legislation

    The Government of Malta, and the Ministry for Finance in particular, take note of the Reasoned Opinion that was issued earlier today (Thursday 19th July 2018) by the European Commission, based on alleged gaps with regard to Malta’s transposition of the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive into Maltese legislation. The Maltese authorities would like to acknowledge…

  • Keeping up appearances

    Keeping up appearances

    The Nationalist Party is asking for my head, my resignation. The indictment? The FIAU got itself in breach of the third anti-money-laundering (AML) directive by not following the correct procedures during my watch as Minister for Finance. The PN team of two called a press conference. Straight faces. A very serious affair. Let us be…

  • A positive outlook for the Maltese economy

    A positive outlook for the Maltese economy

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the European Commission’s 2018 Summer Economic Forecast which commended Malta’s economic growth, noting that Malta’s GDP growth rate is one of the highest in the EU. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The European Commission expects economic growth in Malta to remain robust over the forecast horizon fuelled…

  • Il-Bullying mal-Pajjiżi ż-Żgħar

    Il-Bullying mal-Pajjiżi ż-Żgħar

    Ma hemm l-ebda dubju li pajjiżna huwa pajjiż żgħir. Sew fiżikament, distanzi min-naħa sa oħra tal-baħar li jdur mal-gżira tagħna u anke f’terminu ta’ popolazzjoni ta’ madwar erba’ mija u ħamsin elf, anqas minn nofs miljun – popolazzjoni żgħira. Fir-relazjonijiet politiċi pajjiżi oħra kif iħarsu lejna? Għandna xi vantaġġ aħna? jew żvantaġġi biss għandna? Din…