Author: author_pc

  • L-isfida tat-tniġġis ambjentali

    L-isfida tat-tniġġis ambjentali

    Nemmen bis-sħiħ li l-oqsma tal-ekonomija u tal-ambjent għal dik li hija importanza huma fl-istess keffa, anke jekk l-ekonomija tegħleb bi ftit. L-ambjent ta’ madwarna huwa dak li jagħtina s-saħħa u fl-istess ħin huwa dak li joħodilna! Wara li jkun hemm it-tkattir tax-xogħol, it-tkattir tal-ġid, tidħol is-saħħa, għax wara kollox mingħajr is-saħħa m’għandek xejn. It-tniġġis, fid-diversi…

  • Private sector driving Malta’s robust growth

    Private sector driving Malta’s robust growth

    The latest NSO news release on the gainfully occupied population confirms that the private sector continues to be the driving force behind the generation of employment and robust economic growth in Malta. Indeed, out of a total of 9,900 new jobs created last year, 8,690 were generated by the private sector. This means that out…

  • 2018 Annual Meeting of the EBRD

    2018 Annual Meeting of the EBRD

    “Given our strategic location, links with Africa in general and the Southern Mediterranean in particular are considered a priority by our government with the aim of promoting sustainable investment in the region and in tackling the root causes of migration. We are therefore pleased that the bank has expanded its operations in the remaining North African…

  • Bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs

    Bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna held a bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici. The Minister was accompanied by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Marlene Bonnici, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Finance Alfred Camilleri,and Technical Attaché Andre Gialanze. Thursday 3rd May 2018

  • It-Taxxa Diġitali

    It-Taxxa Diġitali

    It-taxxi ilhom magħna eluf kbar ta’ snin. Anke fil-Kotba Imqaddsa nsibu li “dak li hu ta’ Ċesri għandu jingħata lil Ċesri” b’referenza għall-ħlas tat-taxxi. Aktar ma għadda ż-żmien aktar kien hemm irfinar tas-sistemi tat-taxxi biex kemm jista’ jkun jimxu fuq ċerti prinċipji, bħal li fit-tħaddim ta’ taxxa m’għandekx tonfoq fuqha aktar milli tkun se ddaħħal…

  • The Central Bank of Malta’s 50th anniversary conference

    The Central Bank of Malta’s 50th anniversary conference

    “The Central Bank of Malta’s journey over the last 50 years has been one of impressive progress – from modest beginnings in 1968 to a fully-fledged member of the euro area. Its role has changed considerably, but it has always remained instrumental in supporting Malta’s economic development over the years,” stated Finance Minister Edward Scicluna.…

  • The EU Network of First Instance Public Procurement Review Bodies

    The EU Network of First Instance Public Procurement Review Bodies

    Accounting for 15-20% of global GDP, public procurement represents a substantial portion of an EU economy. These figures reaffirm the importance of public tenders having transparent and clear criteria and specifications.” This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna while addressing ‘The EU Network of First Instance Public Procurement Review Bodies Conference’, hosted by…

  • Sustained economic growth – European Commission

    Sustained economic growth – European Commission

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest European Commission 2018 Spring Forecast, which expects Malta’s strong economic growth and the current account and budget balance surpluses to be sustained over the forecast period. “The Commission has once more confirmed through its Spring Forecast Malta’s economic and fiscal sustainability as evidenced by the forecasted fiscal…

  • €4.8 miljun se jingħataw lura lil 6,500 applikant permezz tal-Iskema tar-Rifużjoni tal-VAT.

    €4.8 miljun se jingħataw lura lil 6,500 applikant permezz tal-Iskema tar-Rifużjoni tal-VAT.

    Il-Ministru għat-Trasport, l-Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali Ian Borg, flimkien mal-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna, nedew skema li se tkun qed tkompli twettaq wegħda oħra elettorali. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦAT-TRASPORT, L-INFRASTRUTTURA U PROĠETTI KAPITALI U MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Il-Ministru Borg qal li din l-okkażjoni ma kinitx biss biex jingħad li l-piż tad-dejn pubbliku qiegħed jonqos, imma biex għal sena…

  • Let us seek a permanent multilateral solution with regards to the proposed digital tax

    Let us seek a permanent multilateral solution with regards to the proposed digital tax

    “The European Union should maintain the sense of urgency, but aim at a permanent multilateral solution.” This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna, during the Informal Economy and Finance (Ecofin) Ministers meeting, organised by the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, in Sofia, on 27-28 April 2018. The meeting enabled the Ministers…