Author: author_pc



    IT-THEDDIDA TAL-POLITIKA KUMMERĊJALI TA’ DONALD TRUMP Il-politika tal-President Amerikan Donald Trump issa draha kulħadd: America first, l-Amerika l-ewwel, għajta popolista li mad-daqqa t’għajn jaqbel magħha kulħadd. Kulħadd ikun jixtieq li pajjiżu jkun l-ewwel. M’hemm xejn ħażin f’dan. Imma meta mbagħad din l-għajta ġġebbidha u għal dan il-għan tasal biex tuża metodi ta’ protezzjoni anke kummerċjali…

  • Estiża b’sitt xhur miżura fiskali favur trasferiment ta’ negozju tal-familja

    Estiża b’sitt xhur miżura fiskali favur trasferiment ta’ negozju tal-familja

    Miżura fiskali li kienet tħabbret mill-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna fid-diskors tal-Budget 2016 u li kienet tikkonċerna trasferiment ta’ negozji tal-familja fi ħdan l-istess familja, issa ġiet estiża sat-30 ta’ Settembru ta’ din is-sena. L-avviż legali (A.L.) rispettiv jinħareġ il-ġimgħa d-dieħla. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Permezz ta’ din il-miżura, negozji tal-familja li kienu qed jgħaddu minn ġenerazzjoni għall-oħra permezz ta’…

  • Visit at the KSU Careers and Research Expo 2018

    Visit at the KSU Careers and Research Expo 2018

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna visited the 25 companies participating in the KSU Careers and Research Expo 2018 held at the University Campus. He was welcomed and shown around the stalls by KSU Vice President Steve Zammit Lupi and Education Commissioner Jacob Portelli. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Both private and public-sector companies, representing…

  • Inauguration of Western Union Business Solutions new offices in Birkirkara

    Inauguration of Western Union Business Solutions new offices in Birkirkara

    “This is what makes our financial sector what it is, and which we are so proud of ”, said Minister Edward Scicluna during the inauguration of the new offices of Western Union Business Solutions at the W Business Centre in Birkirkara. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This inauguration was made in the presence…

  • Malta supports ECOFIN agreement on fighting aggressive tax planning

    Malta supports ECOFIN agreement on fighting aggressive tax planning

    Malta takes exception at the non-European way that small member states have been labelled in the press recently with regard to the European tax reform process. This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna while addressing the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the European Union, which met today in Brussels. This sentiment was…

  • L-Aġenziji tal-Credit Ratings

    L-Aġenziji tal-Credit Ratings

    Minn żmien għal żmien id-diversi aġenziji internazzjonali ta’ kreditu, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, Fitch, DBRS, joħorġu rapporti dwar pajjiżna. B’mod konsistenti tista’ tgħid li s-sekwenza li ssegwi wara l-ħruġ ta’ dawn ir-rapporti issa drajniha: il-Gvern juri s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu u għandu biex verament ikun kuntent; l-Oppożizzjoni taqa’ f’silenzju ta’ qabar u tipprova tagħti l-impressjoni li qisu…

  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Constituency meeting held in Malta

    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Constituency meeting held in Malta

    While addressing delegates from the EBRD Constituency, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that, “it is important for the countries represented at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the EBRD, to address the current issues pertaining to the North African and Middle East countries, with special emphasis on migration.” The Constituency is composed of…

  • Malta’s outstanding economic performance in recent years recognised by the 2018 Country Report

    Malta’s outstanding economic performance in recent years recognised by the 2018 Country Report

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the 2018 Country Report on Malta published by the European Commission, which states that “Malta’s economic performance has been outstanding in recent years.” PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Indeed, the report acknowledges that growth has remained dynamic and has been job-rich, with prospects looking favourable and the fiscal…

  • Robust growth rate continues in 2017 fuelled by growth in private consumption and exports

    Robust growth rate continues in 2017 fuelled by growth in private consumption and exports

    Malta has once again recorded the highest economic growth in the Euro Area with a real GDP growth rate of 6.6 per cent in 2017. This growth rate is more than double the average growth rate of 2.3 and 2.4 per cent recorded in the Euro Area and the EU28 respectively. PRESS RELEASE BY THE…

  • Women’s Day celebrated at the Malta Stock Exchange in the presence of the Countess of Wessex

    Women’s Day celebrated at the Malta Stock Exchange in the presence of the Countess of Wessex

    On the occasion of Women’s Day, Minister for European Affairs and Equality Helena Dalli and Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna attended an event organised by 100 Women in Finance at the Malta Stock Exchange which hosted the Countess of Wessex and the President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR EUROPEAN…