Author: author_pc

  • Fitch commends Malta’s strong rule of law and government effectiveness

    Fitch commends Malta’s strong rule of law and government effectiveness

    Following Moody’s and DBRS’ credit rating upgrades last week, Fitch has now affirmed Malta’s sovereign credit rating at A+ resulting from its upgrade last year, while commending Malta’s high governance indicators. These results, it remarks, reflect a strong rule of law and governmental effectiveness. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated…

  • Il-materjaliżmu u l-kuntentizza

    Il-materjaliżmu u l-kuntentizza

    Mingħajr ebda sens ta’ partiġġjaniżmu ma nistax ma nirrimarkax dak li jista’ jara, u filfatt qiegħed jara u jesperjenza kulħadd. Il-poplu Malti u Għawdxi llum huwa aktar komdu milli kien sa ftit tas-snin ilu. Il-pajjiż għaddej minn żmien tajjeb ħafna. Id-dħul tal-familji tjieb sostanzjalment, xiħaġa li hija riflessa fil-fatt li l-konsumiżmu kiber sostanzjalment. Ammissjoni għal…

  • Masterclass on the State of Hospitality and Investment across the Mediterranean Region

    Masterclass on the State of Hospitality and Investment across the Mediterranean Region

    “Let us work at promoting Malta as a peaceful place to do business.” This was stated by Minister For Finance Edward Scicluna whilst addressing a ‘Masterclass on the State of Hospitality and Investment across the Mediterranean Region’, organised by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister Scicluna said that the…

  • The importance of DBRS’ and Moody’s ratings

    The importance of DBRS’ and Moody’s ratings

    During a press conference at the Ministry for Finance, Minister Edward Scicluna said that one should not fear and get used to economic growth, especially when keeping in mind that inflation is under control. Minister Scicluna was commenting on the upgrades by DBRS—to an A (High)—and a change in outlook to positive from stable by Moody’s. Minister…

  • In New Dehli for official meetings

    In New Dehli for official meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna was in New Dehli, India at the invitation of the Global Business Summit organised by the Economic Times and Yes Bank to address the conference. Other speakers at the conference included Donald Trump Jr, Netflix founder Reed Hastings, Steve Wozniak of Apple, UBER CEO Dana Khosrowshahi, and KPMG International Chairman…

  • Further rating upgrades for the Maltese economy

    Further rating upgrades for the Maltese economy

    Malta welcomes yet another two rating upgrades by DBRS and Moody’s respectively. DBRS has upgraded the Republic of Malta to ‘A (high)’ from ‘A’, and Moody’s changed the outlook to ‘positive’ from ‘stable’.   Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said that “from where I heard the news here in India, these upgrades mean more doors being opened for serious discussion, from Prime Minister…

  • Żelqa kbira fin-niexef

    Żelqa kbira fin-niexef

    Iċ-ċittadin li mill-paga ta’ kull erba’ ġimgħat titnaqqaslu t-taxxa dovuta u li fl-aħħar tas-sena tasallu d-dar l-informazzjoni mid-Dipartiment tat-Taxxa dwar x’ħallas taxxa u jekk għandux iħallas aktar jew kellux iħallas inqas, jixxokkja ruħu x’ħin jisma’ li kumpaniji kbar, ġganteski, jaħbu l-profitti tagħhom biex ma jħallsux it-taxxa dovuta. Sitwazzjoni li wieħed jifhimha, aktar u aktar meta…

  • Member states invited to act on the Euro reform measures already agreed upon

    Member states invited to act on the Euro reform measures already agreed upon

    During the Eurogroup meeting, convened on the eve of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) in Brussels on the 19th and 20th February 2018, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that, “Malta supports the strengthening and the added roles for the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). There is no trade-off between the independence and the governance structure of the ESM. The current…

  • IMF/World Bank Constituency meeting in Lisbon

    IMF/World Bank Constituency meeting in Lisbon

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna joined other finance ministers and Central Bank governors from Italy, Greece, Portugal, San Marino, Albania, and East Timor in a discussion within the joint International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Constituency meeting in Lisbon. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The meeting, hosted by the Portuguese Finance Ministry,…

  • Il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi

    Il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi

    Bi prudenza ngħid li f’Malta, bħal f’kull pajjiż ieħor, il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi huwa wieħed importanti ħafna. Importanza riflessa fil-laqgħat li jkollhom il-Ministri għall-Finanzi fuq bażi ta’ Unjoni Ewropea u anke f’laqgħat mondjali. Importanza li narawha riflessa wkoll fi ħdan il-Kabinett. Hemm ħafna raġunijiet li jwasslu biex tali Ministeru jingħata l-importanza li jingħata. Biżżejjed jingħad li l-Ministru…