Author: author_pc

  • Institute of Financial Services Practitioners

    Institute of Financial Services Practitioners

    “Malta’s competitiveness in having a well-trained workforce and expertise in place and efficient institutions and businesses, is resulting in the success we are registering in the financial services sector”, said Finance Minister Edward Scicluna while addressing members of the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners at an Efficiency and Innovation Conference, organised by the Institute of Financial…

  • Thomson Reuters MSE Investment Managers’ Forum

    Thomson Reuters MSE Investment Managers’ Forum

    While addressing an Investment Managers’ Forum organised by the Malta Stock Exchange, in collaboration with Thomson Reuters, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that “the reason for the financial services performing so well is that Malta is professional, and has the needed expertise to attract business to its shores.” The forum was addressed by speakers…

  • Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna in London for meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna in London for meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna was in London at the invitation of the special envoy to the Prime Minister for investment and promotion, Joe Zammit Tabona. He was also accompanied by the Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange, Joseph Portelli, and his Chief of Staff, Paul Debattista. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The…

  • EU revises its growth forecast for Malta

    EU revises its growth forecast for Malta

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the European Commission’s 2018 Winter Forecast wherein Malta’s growth rates have been revised upwards for the years 2018 and 2019. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister Scicluna stated that, “this upward revision on behalf of the EU is a confirmation that Malta’s high rates of economic growth…

  • L-utilità tal-Household Budgetary Survey

    L-utilità tal-Household Budgetary Survey

    Ftit tal-ġranet ilu l-Uffiċċju tal-Istatistika Nazzjonali (NSO) ippubblika r-riżultati ta’ stħarriġ li sar fost il-familji Maltin, stħarriġ imsejjaħ Household Budgetary Survey. Stħarriġ li jindaga l-ispiża tal-familji. Ma jkunx stħarriġ li fih jieħdu sehem il-familji kollha tal-pajjiż, bħalma jkun ċensiment, imma stħarriġ fuq 6,000 familja u li minnhom normalment jwieġbu madwar 4,000. Ammont li huwa kampjun…

  • ETUC Conference

    ETUC Conference

    “Whenever a policy is being discussed at the European level Malta takes the global dimension into consideration in order to safeguard the country’s and the EU’s international competitiveness.” PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This was stated by the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna when addressing a conference organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) together…

  • Malta remains one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe – IMF

    Malta remains one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe – IMF

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the IMF 2017 Article IV Mission Concluding Statement, stating that prudent policies and advanced structural reforms contributed to the strengthening of private and public sector balance sheets, whilst steady job creation drove unemployment to historically low levels. Additionally, the Government is set to over-achieve the 2017 budget target. PRESS RELEASE BY…

  • Incentives for the use of bicycles as an alternative means of transport

    Incentives for the use of bicycles as an alternative means of transport

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg launched a series of initiatives to encourage the use of bicycles in a joint press event at the Safi Local Council. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE AND THE MINISTRY FOR TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Amongst ongoing initiatives…

  • Further investment to strengthen surveillance in our ports

    Further investment to strengthen surveillance in our ports

    “Malta’s Customs gives high priority to the fight against smuggling, illicit trade, organised crime and terrorism not only for security reasons but also to promote a level playing field in the commercial sector and to safeguard Government’s revenue,” stated Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna at the inauguration of another new container scanner.  PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This €1.7 million state of the art container…

  • Il-HBS jikkonferma titjib fil-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji Maltin

    Il-HBS jikkonferma titjib fil-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji Maltin

    Waqt il-ftuħ tal-preżentazzjoni tal-Household Budgetary Survey mill-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika (NSO), il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna qal li dan is-survey jikkonferma titjib fil-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji Maltin. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Il-Ministru qal li dan huwa rifless fil-modi ta’ kif varja l-basket tan-nefqa tal-familji Maltin, fejn fost oħrajn naqas il-proporzjon tal-basket tan-nefqa fuq l-ikel, u żdiedet in-nefqa fuq il-ħwejjeġ…