Author: author_pc

  • A surplus of €4.3 million for the first ten months

    A surplus of €4.3 million for the first ten months

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest Government Finance Data published today by NSO, confirming a surplus of €4.3 million in the consolidated fund balance for the period January to October of this year. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This represents an improvement of €109.2 million, turning a deficit of €104.9 million…

  • Miri kontra l-faqar dinji

    Miri  kontra l-faqar dinji

    Fi tmiem il-ġimgħa li għaddiet attendejt konferenza internazzjonali ta’ livell għoli f’Doha, il-belt kapitali tal-Qatar, li kellha l-għan li jkompli jkun miġġieled il-faqar dinji permezz ta’ finazjament aħjar għal proġetti ta’ żvilupp. Konferenza organizzata mill-Ġnus Magħquda flimkien mal-Qatar bit-tema “Financing for development and the means of implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development”. It-terminu…

  • Malta will survive the current severe test on its financial institutions

    Malta will survive the current severe test on its financial institutions

    “Malta’s financial sector is at the moment passing through a severe stress test both locally and internationally but investors from outside believe in us and we will continue to be one of the competitive choices in the Mediterranean.” PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This was stated by Minister Edward Scicluna during a seminar…

  • Sustainable development goals at the Commonwealth Local Government Conference

    Sustainable development goals at the Commonwealth Local Government Conference

    “Malta is in the process of launching its own development bank.” This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna whilst addressing a Commonwealth Local Government Conference. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE He stressed that this bank would address market failures where, because of ever increasing regulatory restrictions, commercial banks were more risk…

  • Pajjiżna fil-Parlament Ewropew

    Pajjiżna fil-Parlament Ewropew

    Aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa l-Parlament Ewropew iddiskuta s-suppost kollass tas-Saltna tad-Dritt f’pajjiżna. Kull min segwa d-dibattitu seta’ faċilment jinnota l-iskorrettezzi u l-esaġerazzjonijiet dwar pajjiżna li bdew jingħadu u jkunu ripetuti minn uħud mill-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej li jappartjenu lill-Partit Popolari Ewropew (PPE), il-grupp li lilu jappartjeni l-Partit Nazzjonalista. Skorrettezzi u esaġerazzjonijiet li la jagħmlu ġieħ lil…

  • High-Level Conference on Development Financing in Qatar

    High-Level Conference on Development Financing in Qatar

    “Being a small island state Malta has a lot to offer in the area of sustainable development, in view of its small size and various development pressures. Two areas which stand out are solid waste management and water resource management”, said Finance Minister Edward Scicluna at the High-Level Conference on Financing for Development and the…

  • MONEYVAL preparatory training programme

    MONEYVAL preparatory training programme

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna addressed a two-day training programme organised by MONEYVAL as part of the Country Preparation Programme. The Minister stated that, “Malta has the ability to close any lingering gaps, if any are found, within its coordination mechanism and the respective institutions to ensure that it remains fully compliant to the principal…

  • Persistence and entrepreneurial spirit of the Maltese nation will see it through the challenges of increased regulatory requirements

    Persistence and entrepreneurial spirit of the Maltese nation will see it through the challenges of increased regulatory requirements

    “We have done pretty well with regards to economic growth as everyone can see, and the growth in the capital market is also something of an achievement. I am sure that every one of you has a vested interest to see this positive development continue.” This was stated by the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna…

  • Another positive report on Malta’s economic performance

    Another positive report on Malta’s economic performance

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the European Commission’s autumn forecast, published yesterday, which expects the Maltese economy to continue growing robustly with record low unemployment and moderate wage growth, with the current account and the budget balances set to remain in surplus. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Malta is expected to also…

  • The regulatory intervention in Fintech could make or break its development

    The regulatory intervention in Fintech could make or break its development

    “The nature of the regulatory response to FinTech is a critical topic for both regulators and market participants. The challenge is to identify when the regulator should step in – the regulatory ‘tipping point’ between allowing innovation to develop without regulatory intervention and taking regulatory initiatives. Malta’s evolving approach towards Fintech is one that aspires…