Reduction in rate of duty for inter-generation family business transfers
A reduction in transfer duties on family businesses has been announced by the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Chris Cardona. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE AND THE MINISTRY FOR THE ECONOMY, INVESTMENT AND SMALL BUSINESS Addressing a press conference on the subject, both…
Malta Surplus: easy for some, impossible for others
I must admit that the sudden news of a fiscal surplus on the government’s accounts after 35 years of successive deficits has stunned in a big way a small section of the people who still live in the past pre-election foolish illusion that a Labour government would be unable to deliver its promise of good…
Minister Edward Scicluna leads delegation to G20 and IMF/WBG meetings in Washington DC
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna left Malta to attend meetings of the G20 and the International Monetary Fund/World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington D.C., USA. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Following the G20 meeting in Baden Baden, Germany, Minister Scicluna will once again represent the Ministers of Finance of…
Malta Stock Exchange doubles daily trading hours
As of Tuesday 18th April, the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) will be doubling its daily trading, from three hours to six hours. This was announced by Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna and Malta Stock Exchange Chairman, Mr Joseph Portelli as they spoke to the press to mark the event. PRESS RELEASE BY…
The Minister for Finance discusses budget measures with pensioners
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna met with the members of the Pensioners’ Association of the General Workers’ Union, where he explained the 20 measures introduced by the Government in aid of pensioners and the elderly. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister Scicluna explained in detail such measures, including the increases in the…
Minister for Finance inaugurates the first two listings on the MSE Prospects platform
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna participated in the ceremony of the listing of the first two small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on Prospects, a new market platform of the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) designed specifically for SMEs, which was launched last year. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Besides being the first time…
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna leads the discussion on the boosting of more private investment in neighbouring regions
The informal meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) resumed on 8 April with discussions on the role of EU institutions in boosting private investment in North Africa, as well as the issue of tax certainty in a changing environment. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The ECOFIN President – the…
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna heads the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) Informal Meeting in Valletta
The first session of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) informal meeting was held on 7 April in Valletta under the Maltese Presidency represented by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna. [nggallery id=311] During the first day of the meeting, the ECOFIN council discussed the challenges and opportunities faced by the Economic and Monetary…
Statement of the 5+5 Finance Dialogue Meeting in Malta on 6 April 2017
A 5+5 Finance Dialogue meeting was held yesterday in Malta, on the fringes of the Informal Finance Ministers of the European Union Meeting taking place during the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This follows the first 5+5 Finance Dialogue meeting held in Paris on 24 January 2017 which marked the start…
Il-Laqgħa Informali Tal-Ecofin F’Malta
Wieħed beda jinnota, sew mit-televiżjoni, sew meta jkun dieħel il-Belt, li hawn aktar attività minn tas-soltu. Dan mhux biss minħabba t-turisti, iżda minħabba l-ammont ta’ konferenzi, ministri, delegati karozzi uffiċċjali u pulizija li narawhom għaddejjin mit-toroq tal-Belt Kapitali tagħna. Din l-attività kollha hi marbuta mal-fatt li, kif jaf kulħadd, fl-ewwel sitt xhur ta’ din…