Author: author_pc

  • At the G20 Finance Ministers Meeting in Baden Baden

    At the G20 Finance Ministers Meeting in Baden Baden

    As the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Malta, represented the EU at the G20 Finance Ministers meeting that was held in Baden-Baden, Germany, this week. This was a unique opportunity for a Maltese Finance Minister to participate at this meeting.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Convening representatives from the…

  • Malta’s economic success stems from Government reforms started four years ago

    Malta’s economic success stems from Government reforms started four years ago

    Malta is currently enjoying economic success as the direct result of the Government’s action in addressing its weaknesses four years ago, such as the low female participation in the labour force. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna made this statement as he delivered a key note address at…

  • Malta Finance Minister to represent EU Finance Ministers at G20 Meeting

    Malta Finance Minister to represent EU Finance Ministers at G20 Meeting

    On Friday 17th & Saturday 18th March, Finance Minister Prof Edward Scicluna, will be representing EU Finance Ministers at the G20 Finance Ministers, in Baden-Baden Germany, ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in July. The participation at this meeting by a Maltese Minister is a unique event for Malta, at a time when the country…

  • Malta Stock Exchange, Valletta

    Malta Stock Exchange, Valletta

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna inaugurated this year’s Malta Stock Exchange art exhibition which investigates notions of connectivity among workers, citizens, consumers and persons at leisure.   DOI – PRESS PHOTOS The Minister was welcomed by Malta Stock Exchange Chairman Joseph Portelli and art curator Adrian Scicluna. Monday 13th March 2017

  • Kontabilita’ budgetarja akbar tal-Unjoni Ewropea

    Kontabilita’ budgetarja akbar tal-Unjoni Ewropea

      Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, kelli sessjoni fil-Parlament Ewropew bħala l-Presidenza tal-Kunsill għall-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Finanzjarji, li hu magħruf bħala l-ECOFIN biex nirrapporta dwar il-budgets ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropeja għas-sena elfejn u ħmistax.   Dan huwa dwar l-awditjar ta’ budget enormi Ewropew li jikkonsisti minn il-fuq minn mija u ħamsin biljun ewro li jintefqu mat-tminja u għoxrin…

  • Robust Broad-Based Growth in 2016

    Robust Broad-Based Growth in 2016

    Latest GDP figures, published by the NSO and Eurostat, show that the Maltese economy grew by 5 per cent in 2016 marking the highest economic growth rate recorded in the European Union for that year. Nominally, GDP expanded by 6.7 per cent.    PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   Economic growth remained broad-based,…

  • Gvern li Jisma

    Gvern li Jisma

    [nggallery id=312] – 9th March, 2017

  • Another ‘A’ rating for Malta

    Another ‘A’ rating for Malta

    The Minister for Finance welcomes another positive credit rating report on Malta published by DBRS Ratings Limited, which confirms the country’s stable outlook and its ‘A’ rating.   Amongst other factors, the ‘A’ rating reflects Malta’s solid external position, the ongoing improvement in the fiscal position and favourable public debt structure, as well as the…

  • Prompt action at Fintech Conference

    Prompt action at Fintech Conference

    “We stand at the cusp of a new technological era, the opportunities from which are there for us to harness. For this to happen, we must be able to move fast and in sync.” This is what Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated, as he addressed the First Annual Conference on Fintech and Digital Innovation,…

  • Il-Presidenza Maltija qed turi x’issarraf

    Il-Presidenza Maltija qed turi x’issarraf

    Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, għat-tieni darba taħt il-Presidenza Maltija għall-Unjoni Ewropea, kellna l-laqgħa tal-Kunsill Ekonomiku u Monetarju, li hu magħruf bħala l-ECOFIN. Dak li għamilna f’din it-tieni laqgħa huwa importanti ħafna għal pajjiżna għax urejna żewġ affarijiet.     L-ewwelnett f’din il-laqgħa urejna li dawk kollha li kienu qegħdin jaħsbu illi Malta, għal xi raġuni jew…