Author: author_pc

  • EU Funds to be used in a responsible and accountable manner

    EU Funds to be used in a responsible and accountable manner

    “We need European institutions to send a clear signal to EU citizens and tax payers that EU funds are to be used in a responsible and accountable manner, with full respect to the principle of sound financial management”. This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna, when addressing members of the CONT committee as…

  • Four international reports confirm Malta’s impressive economic performance, debunk false notions

    Four international reports confirm Malta’s impressive economic performance, debunk false notions

    The reports published by credit rating agency Fitch, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), confirm the positive results of policies undertaken by Government, and debunk false notions being reported in the media. This statement was made today during a press conference addressed by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and Parliamentary Secretary for…

  • Enerġija aktar irħisa u nadifa: Għalfejn l-Oppożizzjoni qisu ma tridhiex

    Enerġija aktar irħisa u nadifa: Għalfejn l-Oppożizzjoni qisu ma tridhiex

    Naħseb li fost l-aktar argumenti politiċi kollha f’pajjiżna, l-aktar wieħed sħun u li jqanqal l-għajjat u r-rabja tal-Oppożizzjoni fil-Parlament, huwa l-pjan tal-Gvern dwar l-enerġija u dak kollu marbut miegħu  bħall-Enemalta u l-Electrogas. Jekk wieħed jikkalma ftit u jħares lejn dan kollu b’mod kemmxejn iddistakkat, wieħed jista’ jifhem li t-tariffi għolja tad-dawl u l-ilma kienu fost…

  • Further deficit reductions in January 2017

    Further deficit reductions in January 2017

    The latest Government Finance Data released by the National Statistics Office show that there was a €33.0 million reduction in deficit for January 2017, when compared to the same period last year.     The significant reduction in government deficit is due to an effective control of expenditure growth, which is well within the parameters…

  • 2017 Country Report: Private debts and poverty risks are falling ​

    2017 Country Report:  Private debts and poverty risks are falling ​

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the 2017 Country Report on Malta, published by the European Commission. ​​ The report is a comprehensive and in-depth review which not only takes into account the economic performance of the country, but also the progress made by reforms undertaken so as to strengthen the economy’s resilience.   PRESS RELEASE…

  • ECOFIN reaches Anti-tax Avoidance Agreement (ATADII)

    ECOFIN reaches Anti-tax Avoidance Agreement (ATADII)

    An agreement on Anti-Tax Avoidance (ATAD II) with regard to hybrid mismatches with third countries was reached today at the ECOFIN Council in Brussels. This agreement, just seven weeks into the Presidency, is a testament to Malta’s unwavering commitment in fighting tax avoidance. Any allegations by the Opposition party that Malta might have had a vested interest in dragging its feet on…

  • Financial Services Gozo Foundation launched

    Financial Services Gozo Foundation launched

    The Financial Services Gozo Foundation was launched following a collaborative agreement between the Ministry for Gozo and the Ministry for Finance, and the private sector. Its role is to promote Gozo as a destination for the setting-up of businesses within the financial services sector.   The aim of the Foundation is to coordinate closely with…

  • L-iżbilanċi ekonomiċi

    L-iżbilanċi ekonomiċi

    Ma tantx huwa kumplimentuż li tgħid lil xi ħadd li għandu argument żbilanċjat, għax il-kelma żbilanċ għandha konnotazzjoni negattiva peress li fil-ħajja nippruvaw nilħqu l-bilanċ u mhux l-iżbilanċ. Mela ara kemm huwa aktar offensiv jekk tgħid lil dak li jkun li huwa żbilanċjat kollu kemm hu! Fl-ekonomija wkoll jeżistu l-bilanċi u l-iżbilanċi. Hemm fil-fatt dawk…

  • Government expenditure on stipends increases by over €3.3million over the last four years

    Government expenditure on stipends increases by over €3.3million over the last four years

    The Government increased its investment in the stipend system by over €3.3 million when compared to the amount spent in 2012, with total expenditure for 2016 amounting to €25.8 million. This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and Minister for Education and Employment Evarist Bartolo at the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) as they…

  • Vlogs
