X’hemm wara r-riżultati elettorali fir-Renju Unit u l-Amerika
Ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni għall-President tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerka kulħadd sema’ bih, riżultat li donnu ixxokkja lil bosta, fosthom lill-media, kif ukoll ċertu politiċi Ewropej. Però wieħed jista’ jgħid l-istess ħaġa għax-xokk li ta lil kulħadd ir-riżultat tar-referendum li sar f’Ġunju li għadda fir-Renju Unit, fejn il-poplu, għallinqas fil-maġġoranza tiegħu, wera x-xewqa li joħroġ mill-Unjoni Ewropea. It-tnejn huma…
Minister Scicluna meets with German Banking Association delegation
Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed a delegation of the German Banking Association at the Ministry for Finance. During the meeting, Minister Scicluna expounded on the agenda for the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, especially in relation to banking and financial markets. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR…
Żbalji bażiċi ekonomiċi
Id-diskussjoni tal-baġit għaddiet ukoll. Jekk ngħidilkom li ntużat statistika skont il-konvenjenza minn min ried jikkritika l-baġit, żgur li m’intomx sa tkunu sorpriżi. Din id-darba però mhux biss l-interpretazzjoni ta’ statistika illi ġiet mgħawġa, iżda anke l-użu tal-metodoloġija li biha tinġabar. Ħa nkun ċar, fuq naħa waħda għandek oppożizzjoni li tgħid illi l-pagi minn sena għall-oħra waqgħu b’mod reali u l-istess anke għall-produzzjoni. Minn naħa l-oħra il-Gvern qed…
Minister Scicluna meets with counterparts ahead of Maltese Presidency of the EU
Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna held a series of bilateral meetings with the Italian Minister of Finance Pier Carlo Padoan, the Irish Minister for Finance Michael Noonan, Norway’s Minister of Finance Siv Jensen, as well as with Klaus-Heiner Lehne, President of the European Court of Auditors, on the margins of the ECOFIN Council and…
Minister Scicluna attends meeting with European social partners
Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna attended a meeting of the Macro-Economic Dialogue with the European social partners, on the margins of the Eurogroup and Econfin meetings currently taking place in Brussels. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This meeting brought together the Council Presidency, the European Central Bank and the…
Further increases in local exports
The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest international trade news release published today by the NSO, which shows a remarkable increase of €484.3 million in Malta’s exports net of fuels for the first three quarters of this year. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE During the period January to September…
Mhux ta’ min joqgħod fuq l-Oppożizzjoni biex tinterpreta statistika
Fi stqarrija, il-Partit Nazzjonalista qed jallega li l-Ministru għall-Finanzi, l-Professur Edward Scicluna, fil-Parlament qal li l-istatistika tal-Economic Survey mhux ta’ min joqgħod fuqha. L-istqarrija naqset milli tirriproduċi l-ispjegazzjoni tal-Ministru Scicluna fejn, waqt id-diskussjoni dwar l-estimi tal-Ministeru tiegħu, qal li l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Dr Simon Busuttil uża statistika b’mod ħażin meta ddikjara li l-pagi matul…
3,800 new companies registered in first nine months of this year
Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna noted that 3,800 new companies have been registered by September 2016, bringing the total number of registered companies up to around 50,000. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Speaking at the Annual Company Law Conference organised by the Department of Commercial Law within the University of…
Il-Borża u l-Investiment Finanzjarju
L-investiment finanzjarju qisu munita biż-żewġ naħat tagħha. Fuq naħa waħda għandek id-depożitant jew l-investitur. Dak illi għandu flusu u jgħaddihom lil ħaddieħor u talli jagħmel hekk, jieħu ritorn sodisfaċenti għalih. Filwaqt li fuq in-naħa l-oħra għandna l-kumpaniji, illi għandom ħafna ideat però ma’ jkollhomx il-finanzi u għaldaqstant jaqgħu fuq min jipprovdi dawn il-finanzi. Dawn imbagħad…
‘You cannot fight the market’
If ever there was a job to which the old saying ‘you can never win’ applies, surely it would have to be the Minister of Finance. Traditionally, as the man who holds the key to the national treasury, he is inundated with pressure from Cabinet colleagues demanding ever-increasing allocations. And once the annual Budget exercise…