Author: author_pc

  • Minister for Finance receives a courtesy visit from the French Business Confederation

    Minister for Finance receives a courtesy visit from the French Business Confederation

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed a delegation from the French Business Confederation (MEDEF), led by M. Loïc Armand, President of L’Oréal France and Chairman of MEDEF Europe Committee.   During the meeting, held at the Ministry for Finance, Minister Scicluna explained the priorities to be pursued by government during the Maltese Presidency for…

  • Finance Minister addresses second annual MSE investor education conference

    Finance Minister addresses second annual MSE investor education conference

    The creation of deeper and more integrated capital markets throughout the European Union, known as the Capital Markets Union (CMU) will be given top priority on the agenda during the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna affirmed this…

  • Il-ħsieb wara l-aħħar erba’ baġits

    Il-ħsieb wara l-aħħar erba’ baġits

    Naħseb li l-ebda baġit li niftakar jiena ma qajjem diskussjoni sana dwar it-tqassim tal-ġid u dwar l-irwol tal-paga minima, daqs il-baġit li qrajt nhar it-Tnejn 17 ta’ Ottubru. Kien hemm min qal illi dan kien baġit ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni, iżda dan il-kliem intqal ukoll wara l-ewwel, it-tieni u t-tielet baġit, allura ma tantx sa jimpressjona…

  • 2016 deficit continues its decline in September

    2016 deficit continues its decline in September

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest statistics published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) showing a decrease of €98 million in the consolidated fund deficit between January and September 2016 when compared with the same period last year.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The reduction in the deficit is buoyed by…

  • Minister Scicluna meets with French counterpart ahead of Maltese Presidency

    Minister Scicluna meets with French counterpart ahead of Maltese Presidency

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna held talks with his French counterpart M. Michel Sapin at the Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances in Paris, as part of the preparations for the upcoming Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Ministers Scicluna and Sapin exchanged…

  • The four main areas of poverty and how each budget has tackled them

    The four main areas of poverty and how each budget has tackled them

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna meets with The Malta Independent on Sunday in order to fill us in on what the government’s term plan is and how this budget fits into the grander scheme of things. Professor Scicluna divulged the systematic approach taken by this government to tackle issues in various sections of society.   Some…

  • How Finance Minister Scicluna builds his Budget

    Faced with criticism that the middle class was forgotten in the Budget, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna says the exercise is part of a five-year plan and cannot be viewed in isolation. The Labour Party was under pressure by its traditional voters to deliver a more social Budget after three years of wealth generation that did not reach…

  • X’ser jieħdu l-pensjonanti is-sena d-dieħla

    X’ser jieħdu l-pensjonanti is-sena d-dieħla

    L-anzjani ser ikunu fost l-aktar faxxa ta’ membri tas-soċjetà tagħna li ser jibbenefikaw mill-baġit li ħabbart nhar it-Tnejn li għadda, grazzi għal pakkett ta’ 20 miżura intiża biex jiżdiedilhom id-dħul, fosthom permezz tal-qtugħ ta’ taxxa, kif ukoll għajnuna estiża għall-carer u għajnuna oħra. Dan kollu ser jidħol fis-seħħ fl-2017.   Nixtieq nispjega aktar fil-fond dan…

  • Budget b’20 miżura favur il-pensjonanti

    Budget b’20 miżura favur il-pensjonanti

    Il-Budget għall-2017, fost il-ħafna miżuri mmirati biex itejbu l-qagħda soċjali ta’ min għandu dħul baxx u medju, fih pakkett ta’ 20 miżura mmirati speċifikament għall-pensjonanti.     Dan qalu l-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt li indirizza konferenza tal-aħbarijiet dwar il-miżuri tal-budget favur il-pensjonanti mal-Ministru għall-Familja u Solidarjetà Soċjali Dr Michael Farrugia.   STQARRIJA KONĠUNTA MAĦRUĠA…

  • Budget 2017 – Prosperity with Social Justice

    Budget 2017 – Prosperity with Social Justice

    Speech     Photo Gallery   [nggallery id=308]   Feature   Documents Click here to navigate to the document repository.