Author: author_pc

  • Standard and Poor’s upgrades Malta’s credit rating to ‘A-’

    Standard and Poor’s upgrades Malta’s credit rating to ‘A-’

    “The budgetary measures and reforms carried out by government in the last three years have been vindicated to the full by the latest credit rating report by Standard and Poor’s which raised Malta’s rating from ‘BBB+’ to ‘A-’, the first time it raised Malta’s credit rating in 20 years,” stated Minister for Finance, Prof Edward…

  • Minister for Finance launches Joint Enforcement Task Force to combat black economy

    Minister for Finance launches Joint Enforcement Task Force to combat black economy

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna announced the formation of a Joint Enforcement Task Force (JET) which will bolster the government’s efforts at combating the black economy.     Speaking during a press conference, Minister Scicluna explained that through JET, the government will channel the resources and technical knowhow of the Income Tax Department, VAT Department…

  • Il-Vantaġġi ta’ Pajjiżna

    Il-Vantaġġi ta’ Pajjiżna

    Fl-artiklu tiegħi tal-ġimgħa l-oħra tkellimt dwar il-kompetittività u kif din taffettwa lil kull pajjiż f’diversi oqsma, bħall-pagi, is-suq tax-xogħol, l-investiment, x’tip ta’ riżorsi għandu dak il-pajjiż u kif titkejjel il-klassifika tal-pajjiżi skont il-kompetittività tagħhom. Aparti dan kollu, hemm aspett ieħor tal-kompetittività li huwa importanti għal pajjiżna, jiġifieri li fl-strateġija tiegħu juża dawk is-setturi fejn huwa…

  • Jidħol fis-seħħ tibdil fix-xiri pubbliku tal-Gvern

    Jidħol fis-seħħ tibdil fix-xiri pubbliku tal-Gvern

    B’effett minn dan ix-xahar, se jkunu qed jidħlu fis-seħħ regoli ġodda dwar il-mod ta’ kif il-Gvern jixtri prodotti u servizzi, proċess magħruf bħala public procurement. Dawn ir-regoli se jwasslu għal proċessi aktar effiċjenti, flessibbli, b’inqas burokrazija u b’aktar trasparenza. Ir-regoli se jwasslu wkoll biex Malta tkun konformi mar-regolamenti u direttivi tal-Unjoni Ewropea.   STQARRIJA KONĠUNTA…

  • Finance Ministers discuss country experiences on raising efficiency in the health care sector

    Finance Ministers discuss country experiences on raising efficiency in the health care sector

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna has told the Euro area Finance Ministers that “discussions on country experiences with respect to raising efficiency in the health-care sector are always useful in view of the increasing cost of health-care on top of demographic pressures, including an ageing population.”   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE…

  • In Washington for IMF/WB meetings

    In Washington for IMF/WB meetings

    Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna is holding talks with senior officials of leading international financial institutions on the margin of the 2016 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG) Annual Meetings in Washington D.C., USA between 7th and 9th October 2016. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   Minister Scicluna is discussing…

  • Il-Kompetittività ta’ Pajjiżna

    Il-Kompetittività ta’ Pajjiżna

    Ta’ sikwit nisimgħu min jgħid li pajjiżna għandu bżonn ikun aktar kompetittiv, imma l-kompetittività xi tfisser, u għaliex hija daqshekk importanti għal pajjiżna? Jekk inħarsu lejn id-dinja tan-negozju naraw li ħanut ikun kopetittiv jekk joffri prodotti ta’ kwalità għolja bi prezzijiet li jkunu baxxi. Meta jiġri hekk, jirnexxielu jiġbed ferm aktar klijenti u jbiegħ ferm…

  • Malta supports international initiatives at curbing tax avoidance and evasion

    Malta supports international initiatives at curbing tax avoidance and evasion

    Malta fully supports global initiatives such as the OECD’s Base-erosion profit sharing (BEPS) and the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive which was inspired by it, as they guarantee fair taxation competition between countries.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna made this assertion as he addressed a graduation ceremony of the…

  • Minister for Finance addresses the Malta Maritime Summit

    Minister for Finance addresses the Malta Maritime Summit

    Speaking in a pre-recorded message during the first edition of the Malta Maritime Summit, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna recalled how the EU emerged from the global economic crisis in worse shape than the US and, in addition, with a spate of legislation aimed at deterring the effects that brought it about. He explained that…

  • Risk aversion is stifling international business

    Risk aversion is stifling international business

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that risk is a matter of concern which needs to be carefully managed, while risk aversion in itself can potentially stifle investment especially in relation to emerging markets.   While speaking during a seminar organised by the Minister Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), Minister Scicluna described the…