Talks with leaders of leading international financial institutions
The Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna yesterday held various meetings with a number of Chairmen and Presidents of leading international financial institutions on the margins of the Eurofi Financial Forum being held in Bratislava, Slovakia during which the future of the European Union, especially in the light of Brexit, was discussed. PRESS RELEASE…
Ir-riskji ekonomiċi
Meta l-affarijiet ikunu sejrin sew u l-maġġoranza tan-nies qed jaraw l-affarijiet f’dawl pożittiv, mhux l-ewwel darba li ssib lil min ikun negattiv u joqgħod ifittex l-“imma”. Dan isir kemm fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum, kif ukoll fl-ambitu ta’ kif jitmexxa l-pajjiż. Dawn in-nies kienu jeżistu minn ewl id-dinja, tant li fil-Mitoloġija Griega nsibu lill-persunaġġ ta’ Cassandra li…
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna addresses seminar at Malta Stock Exchange
Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna addressed a seminar held at the Malta Stock Exchange, which brought together financial practitioners and industry stakeholders together with the Listing Committee of the Malta Financial Services Authority. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Having held active roles in both industry and as regulator, Minister Scicluna said…
Robust economic growth set to continue
The strong momentum exhibited by the Maltese economy during the last three years has continued during the first half of this year. Indeed, figures published by the NSO show that the Maltese economy grew by 4.1 per cent in real terms during the first half of 2016, comparing favourably with the average growth for the…
In Bratislava to attend ECOFIN, Eurogroup and Eurofi Financial Forum
This morning, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna left Malta to participate in the informal meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), the Eurogroup, and the Eurofi Financial Forum, which will be held this week in Bratislava. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE During these meetings, Minister Scicluna will discuss a…
Moody’s affirms Malta’s A3 rating, Stable Outlook
The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest rating by the international credit rating agency Moody’s re-affirming Malta’s rating at A3 with a stable outlook. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The Ministry notes that the main factors underpinning Moody’s rating were Malta’s resilient economy, its competitiveness level, the recent structural reforms, the elevated…
Laqgħat ta’ konsultazzjoni għall-pubbliku biex il-Gvern jisma’ l-ideat tan-nies dwar il-budget.
Laqgħat ta’ konsultazzjoni għall-pubbliku biex il-Gvern jisma’ l-ideat tan-nies dwar il-budget. Friday 16th September – Gozo General Public Meeting Grand Hotel Mgarr – Gozo Time: 19:00 -o- Monday 19th September – Malta General Public Meeting Ballroom, Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana Time: 19:00 Book you seat call – 2599 8500
Consolidated fund deficit down by €33.8 million in first seven months of 2016
The consolidated fund deficit decreased by €33.8 million between January and July 2016 when compared with the same period last year as Government expenditure increased by just €1.3million or 0.1 per cent while recurrent revenue increased by €35.1 million or 1.9 per cent. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Recurrent revenue grew as…
Prosperita b’Ġustizja Soċjali
Prosperita b’Ġustizja Soċjali Il-ġimgħa l-oħra nedejna d-dokument ta’ qabel il-budġet bit-titlu ta’ Prosperita b’Ġustizja Soċjali. Dan id-dokument jagħti togħma tal-viżjoni tal-gvern, kif ukoll jittratta suġġet partikolari. Għal din is-sena intgħażel is-suġġett ta’ kif l-edukazzjoni tista’ tgħin biex jitnaqqas il-faqar fil-pajjiż. Ikun hawn min jaħseb li d-dokument ta’ qabel il-budget ikun fih il-budget innifsu, iżda dan…
Fatti Tal-Ħajja
Meta konna żgħar, il-ġenituri tagħna nisslu fina l-għarfien ta’ x’inhu tajjeb u x’inhu ħażin. Għallmuna l-fatti tal-ħajja. Fil-kamp tal-ekonomija, il-fatti tal-ħajja prattikament jinġabru f’verità waħda, dik li qatt m’hu ser ikun hemm biżżejjed riżorsi biex jissodisfaw it-talba bla qies ta’ kullħadd. Għalhekk, ilkoll ikollna nagħmlu l-għażla. Din hija l-famuża “problema ekonomika”, xi ħaġa li ngħallmuha…