Author: author_pc

  • F’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fil-Berġa ta’ Kastilja dwar il-kawża tal-pandemija tal-Covid 19.

    F’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fil-Berġa ta’ Kastilja dwar il-kawża tal-pandemija tal-Covid 19.

    F’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fil-Berġa ta’ Kastilja, flimkien mal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela, u l-Ministru għall-Ekonomija, Investiment u Negozji ż-Żgħar Silvio Schembri, fejn ħabbarna l-ewwel miżuri msejsa sabiex tkun issavalgwardjata l-ekonomija u protetti n-negozji u l-ħaddiema kawża tal-pandemija tal-Covid 19. Imħabbar pakkett finanzjarju ta’ għajnuna mill-Gvern dwar il-COVID-19 Fl-ewwel miżuri ta’ għajnuna mill-gvern lill-kumpaniji u dawk li jaħdmu…

  • Riċetti għal ħajja

    Riċetti għal ħajja

    Kull min hu dilettant tat-tisjir, jaraw li jkollhom kemm kotba ta’ riċetti, jniżżlu riċetti minn fuq l-internet, kif ukoll iżommu kopji ta’ riċetti li jidhru f’xi ġurnali u magazines. Ipartuhom jaqrahom u isibuhom online. X’inhi l-importanza ta’ riċetta? Ir-riċetti jtuk lista ta’ ngredjenti u deskrizzjoni ta’ proċess biex issajjar platt ta’ ikel partikulari. Dan kollu…

  • Biex inħarsu isem pajjiżna

    Biex inħarsu isem pajjiżna

    Immaġinaw familja li tkun tgħix ħajja normali, trankwilla u eżemplari. Bħal ma jista’ jiġri f’familja, din il-familja tgħaddi minn xi għawġ. Iżda, għal xi raġuni, xi ilsna ħżiena jibdew jaqilgħu qlajjiet u gideb fuqha li din il-familja tispiċċa tissemma’ fuq il-ġurnali u l-medja. Dan kollu jwassal li l-familja ma tkunx tista’ tmur imkien għax kulħadd…

  • Courtesy visit to the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) ?

    Courtesy visit to the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) ?

    Minister for Finance and Financial Services Edward Scicluna and Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy Clayton Bartolo paid a courtesy visit to the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) on 4th March 2019. The Minister and Parliamentary Secretary were welcomed by Prof John Mamo, Chairperson, the CEO, Mr Joseph Cuschieri, and the Executive Board. After…

  • Fourth quarter of 2019 outpaces third quarter by 1.4 percentage points

    Fourth quarter of 2019 outpaces third quarter by 1.4 percentage points

    In the last quarter of 2019 covering the period October to December, the Maltese economy continued to record one of the highest economic growth rates in the EU. As a result, latest GDP data showed that in 2019 Malta continued to be one of the fastest growing EU economies, growing at 4.4 per cent. PRESS…

  • Visit at the Malta Council for Science and Technology

    Visit at the Malta Council for Science and Technology

    “The government will continue investing in research and innovation since they are key for the future of our country,” reiterated Minister of Finance and Financial Services Edward Scicluna, accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy Clayton Bartolo during their visit at the Malta Council of Science and Technology (MCST) and Esplora, located…

  • Fl-Interess ta’ Pajjiżna

    Fl-Interess ta’ Pajjiżna

    Meta l-President ta’ l-Amerka Donald Trump ħareġ bl-għajta ta’ Amerika First kulħadd beda jidħaq fis-sens li ħaduh biċ-cajt. Filfatt ma qal xejn speċjali li Malta ma qalitx fi żmien l-ghajta ghall-ħelsien tagħha, dik ta’ ‘Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox’. Pero’ li l-Amerka tgħidha llum tistona xi ftit. Ghal min ikun spiss fi Brussel specjalment meta…

  • Anti-Terrorism Finance Training and Workshops

    Anti-Terrorism Finance Training and Workshops

    Minister Edward Scicluna stated that, “The Moneyval Fifth Round Mutual Evaluation Report should serve as a benchmark, to up our standards.” PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES “The Maltese government is accepting all recommendations, without exception. The critical points are being identified and taken on board, to increase resources and expertise.…

  • Malta Business Community at the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry seminar

    Malta Business Community at the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry seminar

    ‘Malta is a founding member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) which will mark its 30th anniversary next year. Malta forms part of a constituency made up of five other countries, namely Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Israel and Kazakhstan. Over the years, EBRD has strengthened emerging economies from Central and Eastern Europe,…

  • IFSP’s Annual Conference

    IFSP’s Annual Conference

    “The financial services sector has more challenges and even more opportunities. I have no doubt that our country has the necessary resources to excel,” stated Minister for Finance and Financial Services Edward Scicluna, during his opening speech at the IFSP’s Annual Conference held at the Marriott Hotel in St Julian’s. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY…