Author: author_pc

  • Pre-Budget document launched – Prosperity with Social Justice

    Pre-Budget document launched – Prosperity with Social Justice

    Today, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna launched the pre-Budget consultation process which will carry the theme ‘Prosperity with Social Justice’, after having presented the Pre-Budget Document 2017 to the social partners within the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development.     PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Click to download Pre-Budget Document 2017…

  • Finance Minister discusses pre-budget document with MCESD

    Finance Minister discusses pre-budget document with MCESD

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna discussed the Pre-Budget Document 2017 with the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD), prior to the official launching of the document. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR SOCIAL DIALOGUE, CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES     In her opening remarks, Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and…

  • Courtesy call from British High Commissioner H.E. Rob Luke.

    Courtesy call from British High Commissioner H.E. Rob Luke.

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy call from British High Commissioner H.E. Rob Luke. Tuesday 9th August 2016

  • A 19 per cent increase in exports during the first half year

    A 19 per cent increase in exports during the first half year

    An increase of €211.2 million was recorded in Malta’s exports net of fuels for the first half of this year. This 19.3 per cent increase occurred mostly the chemicals sector. Other positive increases were recorded in the exports of semi-manufactured goods and exports of beverages and tobacco.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR…

  • Ekonomija b’saħħitha b’ruħ soċjali

    Ekonomija b’saħħitha b’ruħ soċjali

    Il-ġimgħa l-oħra, l-imsieħba socjali fi ħdan il-Kunsill Malti għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku u Soċjali (MCESD) ġew imlaqqa’ biex jiġu ppreżentati b’kunċett ġdid li ġej mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Dan il-kunċett joħroġ minn diskors tal-President tal-UE Jean-Claude Juncker, fejn semma’ l-kunċett tal-pilastru tad-Drittijiet Soċjali. Hawnhekk qed nitkellmu dwar il-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol, l-ugwaljanza, is-saħħa u l-edukazzjoni. Jiġifieri affarijiet li kull ċittadin jixtieq…

  • 162 new Certified Public Accountants

    162 new Certified Public Accountants

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna said the accountancy profession forms the backbone of the skill-set provided by the Maltese workforce and contributes to the attractiveness of the local financial sector for foreign investment.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE While speaking recently during the award-giving ceremony for new Certified Public Accountants,…

  • Half-yearly improvements in Public Finances

    Half-yearly improvements in Public Finances

    A €47.3 million reduction in the consolidated fund deficit was recorded in the first half of this year when compared to the corresponding period of last year, according to the latest Government Finance Data issued today by the National Statistics Office (NSO).   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE     This contributed…

  • Ir-regoli qegħdin hemm biex jinkisru?

    Ir-regoli qegħdin hemm biex jinkisru?

    Ir-regoli qegħdin hemm biex jinkisru? Kull għaqda jew organizzazzjoni serja titmexxa’ skont regoli miktuba. Regoli li kull membru ikun rahom minn qabel u li probabilment ikun ittieħed vot dwarhom. Dawn ir-regoli, imbagħad isibu ruħhom miktuba fi statut ta’ dik l-għaqda jew organizzazzjoni sabiex jiġu osservati mill-istess membri. Xi minn daqqiet issib ukoll li l-istatut jipprovdi…

  • Delegation from Gibraltar

    Delegation from Gibraltar

    Today Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna met with a delegation from Gibraltar led by Chief Minister Fabian Picardo. During this meeting, the parties discussed their respective countries’ state of play in the economic field resulting from Brexit.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The Gibraltarian delegation was also composed of the Deputy Chief…

  • Voluntary Pension Scheme Working Group

    Voluntary Pension Scheme Working Group

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna today attended a meeting of the working group tasked with recommending a scheme which provides fiscal benefits for employers who set up a voluntary pension scheme at the place of work. The scheme was proposed in the Budget for 2016. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The working…