Ministry For Finance Publishes Half-Yearly Report for 2016
The Ministry for Finance today tabled in Parliament the half-yearly report for 2016 in line with Article 39 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act. This is the second half-yearly report since the enactment of the Fiscal Responsibility Act in August 2014. In line with Article 39(8), the half-yearly report provides a review of the…
Fondazzjoni tal-Impjegati tal-GO
Matul l-aħħar xhur, il-Gvern kien impenjat f’taħdidiet mat-tmexxija tal-Fondazzjoni tal-Impjegati tal-GO biex tinstab triq għall-ġejjieni sostenibbli għal din il-fondazzjoni u biex issir ġustizzja ma’ ħaddiema preżenti u passati. Kien intlaħaq ftehim mat-tmexxija tal-Fondazzjoni, liema ftehim iżda ma ġiex aċċettat mill-membri. Minflok, il-membri, jiġifieri l-impjegati preżenti tal-GO, qed jipproponu lill-Gvern li l-Fond jiġi llikwidat u li wara li…
L-intraprenditorija privata ssuq lis-suq u l-ekonomija
“L-iżvilupp ekonomiku ta’ pajjiżna jiddependi mis-sens ta’ intraprenditorija tas-settur privat Malti, fejn il-Gvern għandu jidħol biss biex iwieżen setturi li mhumiex attraenti għal dan it-tip ta’ investiment”. Dan qalu llum il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt it-tnedija tal-premju Malta’s Best Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2016 fi Smart City. Il-Ministru Scicluna spjega li r-rwol tal-Gvern fi ħdan l-ekonomija…
€50 miljun fi proġetti f’Għawdex
Il-Ministru għal Għawdex Anton Refalo u l-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna żaru diversi proġetti f’Għawdex, proġetti li jammontaw għal investiment ta’ €50 miljun. Uħud minn dawn il-proġetti qegħdin f’fażi avvanzata, oħrajn tlestew fil-ġimgħat li għaddew, filwaqt li oħrajn waslu biex jibdew. “L-iskop ta’ din iż-żjara,” qal il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, “huwa li wieħed jara mill-qrib l-investiment qawwi li qed…
Current turmoil in MENA region to be fought by education and job creation
The current turmoil in the EU, the Middle East and North Africa is undermining economic growth in the region. Dialogue, networking and cooperation are the tools through which this impasse can be overcome. Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna made this statement today whilst addressing the Malta-Libya-Tunisia-Algeria-Morocco Trade Exhibition & B2B Networking Forum event entitled…
Medjatur Onest
Iktar ma jgerrbu l-ġranet u joqrob iż-żmien li fih Malta tassumi l-presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea, jiġifieri f’Jannar tas-sena d-dieħla, aktar qegħda tikber l-istennija tal-ġurnalisti, ambaxxaturi, u osservaturi sabiex isiru jafu x’tip ta’ Presidenza ser tkun dik Maltija. Din il-kurżità hija evidenti mill-mod ta’ kif dawn qed jistaqsu lilna l-ministri x’hemm ippreparat mill-Gvern Malti. Huma għatxana sabiex…
#133 – Are rules meant to be broken?
The EU has gone to great lengths to set up rules on the fiscal conduct of its member states with a set of penalties to be imposed on those states who do not abide by these rules. Should the EU go hard on these countries in order to set an example for all and…
Minister Scicluna argues for fair and balanced application of EU fiscal and state aid rules
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that there is need for a fair and balanced approach to the application of EU rules governing the public finances in order to ensure that they work in the interest of citizens. From right to left: Malta’s Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna together with his Italian and Dutch…
#132 – Honest broker
What should we expect of Malta’s EU presidency? How will the Maltese presidency influence the future of the EU? How can Malta act as a broker between the EU and the UK? More on this vlog Medjatur onest X’għandna nistennew mill-presidenza Maltija tal-Unjoni Ewropea? X’impatt mistennija jkollha l-presidenza Maltija fuq il-futur tal-Unjoni Ewropea?…
Malta to continue as a faster-growing Eurozone economy
The Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest credit rating report by Standard & Poor’s which expects the Maltese economy to continue being one of the faster-growing economies in the Eurozone. The credit rating agency re-affirmed Malta’s outlook as positive while reiterating its overall rating at BBB+/A-2. Standard & Poor’s considers that the…