Author: author_pc

  • Gvern Li Jisma’ – Berġa ta’ Kastilja

    Gvern Li Jisma’ – Berġa ta’ Kastilja

    Gvern Li Jisma’ – Agħti Sehmek fid-Diskussjoni Il-Ġimgħa 8 ta’ Lulju fis-6:45pm Ibbukkja l-post tiegħek: jew ċempel 2599 8500 Facebook Event Page >>         —   Upcoming Events: Visit Website: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Connect on LinkedIn: Subscribe for Newsletter: Please check this page regularly to see any upcoming events.

  • EU tax agreement

    EU tax agreement

    Speaking at a meeting of EU Finance Ministers (ECOFIN Council) in Luxembourg today, 17 June 2016, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that Malta can accept the latest version of a proposal for an EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive following several amendments that have been made to the text which address the country’s original concerns.  …

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna addresses the Operators of the European Financial Regulated Markets

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna addresses the Operators of the European Financial Regulated Markets

    This afternoon Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna addressed the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE), which is holding its annual convention at the Hilton, St Julian’s. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Prof Scicluna remarked that as a result of the financial crises, in order to strengthen the sector while protecting the investor, pieces…

  • Malta Records Highest Employment Growth in the EU for the Second Consecutive Quarter

    Malta Records Highest Employment Growth in the EU for the Second Consecutive Quarter

    Latest employment figures released by Eurostat show that in the first quarter of this year Malta recorded the highest employment growth amongst the 28 EU member states with an employment growth rate of 3.7 per cent.   PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   This marks a second consecutive quarter in which Malta…

  • Malta Finance Minister addresses ASEM meeting on behalf of the EU Presidency Trio

    Malta Finance Minister addresses ASEM meeting on behalf of the EU Presidency Trio

    The Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna during a meeting of European and Asian Finance Ministers in Mongolia said that the financial and debt crises has proved an incentive for improving European institutions and rules, and has helped its members to think strategically on where they wanted to be in the future. PRESS RELEASE BY…

  • Riformi li se Jolqtu x-Xogħol tal-Awdituri

    Riformi li se Jolqtu x-Xogħol tal-Awdituri

    L-ekonomija ta’ pajjiż tiddependi fuq kemm ikun hemm investiment u fuq kemm ikunu sejrin tajjeb l-ażjendi li joperaw fil-pajjiż. U sabiex jiġi żgurat li l-operat tal-ażjendi qed ikun immexxi fuq sisien ta’ sostenibilita’, huwa kruċjali ir-rwol tal-accountant u miegħu tal-awditur.Għal ħafna l-accountant huwa dak il-professjonist li jżomm il-kotba tal-kumpanija. Is-sidien tal-kumpaniji sew individwali, jew fi…

  • Economic Growth in Malta Continues to Impress

    Economic Growth in Malta Continues to Impress

    In the first quarter of this year, economic growth in Malta continued to exceed expectations increasing by 5.2 per cent over an already high growth rate of 6.3 per cent recorded in the same quarter of last year. This comes at a time where the EU and the Euro Area are growing at 1.8 and…

  • EU Delegation visit to the Ministry for Finance

    EU Delegation visit to the Ministry for Finance

    Prof. Edward Scicluna, Minister for Finance, welcomed an EU delegation headed by Mr Alexander Italianer, Secretary General of the European Commission, accompanied by Mr Martin Selmayr, Head of President Juncker’s Cabinet and Ms Clara Martinez-Alberola, Deputy Head of President Juncker’s Cabinet, at the Ministry for Finance.     The meeting was held to discuss the…

  • Challenges and Opportunities for the Insurance Industry

    Challenges and Opportunities for the Insurance Industry

    “The success of the insurance industry today owes it to the visionaries who, way back 35 years ago, set up an insurance training centre (MITC) because they believed in the importance of proper training and development for the profession”. Minister Prof. Scicluna stated this when he was addressing the National Conference on Current Developments in…

  • Sfidi għas-settur bankarju

    Sfidi għas-settur bankarju

    Il-maġġoranza tan-nies iqisu il-banek bħala istituzzjonijiet serji u li wieħed għandu jafda li saħansitra wieħed ma jaħsibiex darbtejn sabiex jinvesti flusu mal-banek. Din il-fiduċja fil-banek ġejja mill-fatt li l-ġenituri jinkoraġġixxu  it-tfal tagħhom mhux biss li jfaddlu iżda anki li jkollhom kont bankarju. Din l-abitudni hija ta’ min jinkoraġġixxiha mhux biss għal ġid tal-individwu imma anki…