Author: author_pc

  • Tax Revenue Continues to Perform

    Tax Revenue Continues to Perform

    Latest Government Finance Data published by NSO shows that tax revenue for the first quarter of this year continued to be buoyant, outperforming the already positive results recorded in 2015. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Indeed, during the first three months of this year, tax revenue increased by €79.1 million over the same…

  • Maltese Labour Market reforms discussed at Bruegel Event

    During a joint event organised by the Ministry for Finance and Bruegel, a Brussels based think-tank, a number of economists delivered their views on the importance and effectiveness of various policies aimed at stimulating the labour market.       PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE [nggallery id=303]   In his keynote speech, Minister…

  • X’jieħu pajjiżna mill-laqgħat ta’ Washington

    X’jieħu pajjiżna mill-laqgħat ta’ Washington

    Il-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (IMF) hija organiżżazzjoni li twaqqfet fl-1945 u li illum tħaddan mija u disgħin pajjiż. L-Organiżżazzjoni għandha l-għan ewlieni li tkattar il-ko-operazzjoni monetarja bejn il-pajjiżi; taħdem biex ikun hawn stabilita’ finanzjarja u tiffaċilita il-kummerċ internazzjonali. Istituzzjoni li l-għan tagħha hu li tippromwovi l-iżvilupp ekonomiku sostenibbli; u jonqos in-numru ta’ nies li jgħixu fil-faqar…



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  • Unit responsible for carrying out inspections on auditors never ceased its operations

    Unit responsible for carrying out inspections on auditors never ceased its operations

    Contrary to which is being erroneously alleged in some sections of the media, at no time did the Quality Assurance Unit within the Ministry for Finance, which is responsible for carrying out inspections on auditors and audit firms, ceased its operations. Neither was it ever left unconstituted for one reason or other.   PRESS RELEASE…

  • Haircuts are not simply a technical issue, they are a political one

    Haircuts are not simply a technical issue, they are a political one

    Speaking at an informal meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) in Amsterdam, the Minister for Finance Professor Edward Scicluna welcomed the Council`s commitment to take a step forward in improving the automatic exchange of tax information. He said that Malta supports measures in favour of further transparency, whilst at the same time realising…

  • Malta hi centru finanzjarju ta’ l-ogħla livell

    Malta hi centru finanzjarju ta’ l-ogħla livell

      Kull Gvern issibu iktar jitkellem fuq x’miżuri għandu jimplimenta sabiex jindirizza l-evażjoni fiskali milli jippriedka fuq il-moralita’ fiskali. U għalhekk iddaħħlu leġislazzjonijiet fejn jikkontemplaw pieni imposti fuq min jinqabad jevadi il-ħlas dovut tat-taxxi. Pero’ riċentament beda jiġi irrappurtat fil-medja mondjali, kif, kumpaniji multinazzjonali, li sena wara l-oħra jirreġistraw profitti fenomenali, qegħdin iduru mal-liġijiet u…

  • Fiscal targets reached in 2015 exceed expectations

    Fiscal targets reached in 2015 exceed expectations

    The Ministry for Finance is pleased to note that Government has succeeded once again in reducing the deficit and debt ratios in 2015.   PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Indeed, official figures published by Eurostat show that the general Government deficit as a percentage of GDP has been reduced to 1.5 per cent…

  • Edward Scicluna is in Washington for the Spring IMF World Bank meetings

    Edward Scicluna is in Washington for the Spring IMF World Bank meetings

    The Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna is in Washington for the Spring IMF World Bank meetings. He is holding discussions with the IMF Article IV Mission, the Rating Agencies, the OECD, and a number of EU ministers. Minister Scicluna is accompanied by the CBM Governor Josef Bonnici and Deputy Governor Alfred Mifsud. Sunday 17th April 2016  …

  • Poverty reduction resulting from effective budgetary measures

    Poverty reduction resulting from effective budgetary measures

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest figures published by Eurostat which confirm that the proportion of people who are severely materially deprived in Malta has decreased in 2015. According to Eurostat figures, the share of severely materially deprived people in Malta fell by 2.1 percentage points in 2015, from 10.2 percent in 2014…