Author: author_pc

  • Riżorsi Umani Limitati

    Riżorsi Umani Limitati

    F’numru ta’ nkjesti li qed isiru f’dawn l-aħħar xhur, wieħed ripetutament jisma’ kif, il-kapijiet tal-entitajiet li qed jidhru quddiem min qed imexxi l-inkjesti, isemmu li fl-entita’ li huma jmexxu hemm nuqqas ta’ riżorsi, b’mod partikulari r-riżors uman. Din hi xi ħaġa normalissima li tingħad minn min ikun qed imexxi, mhux biss f’pajjiżna iżda anki meta…

  • Żjara fl-aġenzija MiTA

    Żjara fl-aġenzija MiTA

    Fi żjara li saret fl-uffiċini tal-MITA f’Santa Venera, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji Edward Scicluna u s- Segretarju Parlamentari għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji u l-Ekonomija Diġitali Clayton Bartolo ltaqgħu mal-bord tad-diretturi mmexxi mis-Sur Tony Sultana. F’din iż-żjara l-Ministru Edward Scicluna u s-Segretarju Parlamentari Clayton Bartolo ġew mgħarrfa bil-proġetti li huma ppjanati li jsiru mill-aġenzija li toffri servizzi…

  • More Coherent, Transparent, and Less Complex Fiscal Framework

    More Coherent, Transparent, and Less Complex Fiscal Framework

    “Looking back, the EU experience following the last financial crisis shows that the fiscal framework rules worked for some EU countries, but not for all member states. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves whether changes are indeed necessary or whether supplementary measures are what is required. We need to make the fiscal framework more coherent,…

  • High economic growth rates projected by the EU for the foreseeable future

    High economic growth rates projected by the EU for the foreseeable future

    The Ministry for Finance and Financial Services welcomes the 2020 Winter Economic Forecast published by the European Commission (EC) which, follows the 2019 Autumn Forecast, in that it expects the Maltese economy to record the highest GDP growth rates in the EU for years 2020 and 2021. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE AND…

  • Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference

    Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference

    Minister for Finance and Financial Services Edward Scicluna delivered the opening speech at the Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference, organised jointly by ARQ and MBA and entitled ‘The Road to Meaningful Reform’, which was held at Westin Dragonara in St Julians. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES The Minister…

  • Meeting with the Chamber President and Council Members

    Meeting with the Chamber President and Council Members

    Minister for Finance and Financial Services Edward Scicluna met with the President and Council Members of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry at the Chamber’s premises in Valletta. Minister Scicluna stated that the government and the business community both share common goals and visions, that of maintaining Malta’s continued economic growth and improving…

  • Inflazzjoni jew Deflazzjoni?

    Inflazzjoni jew Deflazzjoni?

    Nitkellmu ta’ spiss fuq kemm xi kultant hemm baħar jaqsam bejn il-perċezzjoni u r-realta’. Dan żgur jgħodd fejn tidħol l-inflazzjoni. U sejjer nispjega għaliex. Hi x’inhi l-opinjoni politika tal-individwu, meta l-individwu jmur jixtri l-prodotti essenzjali li wieħed jgħix bihom, ikun qed imiss b’idejh l-gġoli tsl-prezzijiet tal-prodotti. Din ir-realta’ twassal biex l-individwu jibda jinkwieta li l-introjtu…

  • The European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 4th International Conference

    The European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 4th International Conference

    “By sustainable finance, we are asking the financial services sector worldwide to take on a social, environmental and developmental responsibility,” stated Minister for Finance and Financial Services Edward Scicluna in his concluding address during a conference on the sustainability of the financial sector in Malta, organised by the Finance Forum at the Corinthia Hotel in…

  • Is-Sostenibilta’ tal-Penzjonijiet

    Is-Sostenibilta’ tal-Penzjonijiet

    Meta wieħed iqis li terz tal-popolazzjoni hija magħmula minn pensjonanti, jirrejaliżża għaliex tant issir diskussjoni fuq il-pensjonijiet. Sakemm individwu jkun għadu attiv f-impieg, hu jkollu dħul finanzjarju regolari mill-impieg li jkollu u jkun hemm ukoll possibilita’ li jżid id-dħul tiegħu billi jew jagħmel l-overtime jew xi mpjieg part-time, li jkomplu jżidu id-dħul finanzjarju tiegħu. Għalhekk,…

  • DBRS confirms Malta’s rating at ‘A’ (High) with a stable trend

    DBRS confirms Malta’s rating at ‘A’ (High) with a stable trend

    “I am pleased to note the credit rating agency DBRS acknowledging that Malta’s current public finance position and debt dynamics provide the government valuable room to support the economy in the event of a negative shock. Reducing the debt burden and creating a fiscal buffer in case of need has been and will remain the…