Author: author_pc

  • Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – 13-02-2016

    Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – 13-02-2016

    Waqt il-programm ta’ Manuel Micallef, Sibt il-Punt fuq ONE Radio 92.7, fejn iddiskjutejna dwar l-andament tal-ekonomija u l-finanzi ta’ pajjiżna.     – ONE Radio : 13.02.2016

  • Newsbook – RTK – 13-02-2016

    Newsbook – RTK – 13-02-2016

      Intervent li għamilt nhar is-Sibt 13 ta’ Frar, waqt il-programm ‘Newsbook’ immexxi minn Jesmond Saliba fuq l-RTK. Tkellimna dwar il-laqgħa importanti li kelli nhar il-Ħamis mal-Kummissarju Ewropew għall-Istabbiltà Finanzjarja, is-Servizzi Finanzjarji u l-Unjoni tas-Swieq Kapitali, Jonathan Hill, kif ukoll dwar il-laqgħa ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa tal-Ministri tal-Finanzi tal-UE fi Brussell.   – Newsbook, RTK: 13-02-2016

  • EU should have carried out an impact assessment of tax changes

    EU should have carried out an impact assessment of tax changes

    Speaking at an ECOFIN meeting of EU Finance Ministers in Brussels today, the Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna, expressed disappointment that the proposed Anti-Tax-Avoidance Directive was not accompanied by an Impact Assessment which would have indicated the effect on Member States and also on the EU as a whole. This is especially so if…

  • Malta’s increased attractiveness to foreign investors

    Malta’s increased attractiveness to foreign investors

    Hot on the heels of the European Commissions’ affirmation, in its Winter 2016 Economic Forecast, that the main engine of economic growth in 2015 continued to be investment, the latest figures on foreign direct investment (FDI) published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) on Friday 12th February 2016 show that FDI flows in Malta, increased…

  • Minister Scicluna discusses financial services safeguards with European Commissioner Jonathan Hill

    Minister Scicluna discusses financial services safeguards with European Commissioner Jonathan Hill

    The Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna, met with the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, Jonathan Hill, earlier today, Thursday, 11 February 2016, in Brussels.     The meeting is part of a series of high-level exchanges which Minister Scicluna’s has been holding at an EU level in order…

  • DISSETT – TVM – 10.02.2016

    DISSETT – TVM – 10.02.2016

    Ma’ Reno Bugeja fuq TVM, waqt il-programm tiegħu ta’ ġrajjiet kurrenti DISSETT. – 10th February, 2016

  • Il-Gvern jirrikonoxxi l-kontribut tal-manifattura lill-ekonomija Maltija

    Il-Gvern jirrikonoxxi l-kontribut tal-manifattura lill-ekonomija Maltija

    Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna qal kif fil-kuntest ekonomiku fejn għandna dinja tespandi speċjalment fis-settur tas-servizzi, is-settur tal-manifattura għadu u jibqa’ relevanti għall-ekonomija ta’ pajjiżna. Huwa faħħar il-kontribut li l-manifattura tagħti lill-ekonomija tal-pajjiż, li b’mod dirett tħaddem ‘il fuq minn għoxrin elf persuna. Fl-aħħar sentejn is-settur żied mitejn persuna full-time, kontra li sar fis-sentejn ta’ qabel…

  • Exports up, trade deficit narrows

    Exports up, trade deficit narrows

    Latest international trade figures published by NSO show that during 2015, Malta recorded positive results in the external sector with a further narrowing of the trade deficit, as exports net of fuels re-exports increased by €51.2 million in spite of the challenges in some of Malta’s export markets.   Indeed, last year exports net of…

  • MFC Merchant Bank, Sliema

    MFC Merchant Bank, Sliema

    Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna, visited the newly-licensed MFC Merchant Bank, the result of a €91 million investment by Canadian MFC Industrial Ltd, through the acquisition of Bawag Malta Bank Ltd.            – 5th February, 2016

  • Finance Minister meets Dutch counterpart on the side of EU Presidency conference

    Finance Minister meets Dutch counterpart on the side of EU Presidency conference

    Minister for Finance, Edward Scicluna, held a bilateral meeting with his Dutch counterpart, Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, together with State Secretary Eric Wiebes on the side of a Presidency Conference held in Amsterdam on Thursday 28th January 2016.   Open and cordial discussions held at the Finance Ministry of the Netherlands in The Hague covered…