Author: author_pc

  • Imniedi Abbozz tal-Istrategija Nazzjonali għad-Dħul fl-irtirar u l-Għarfien Finanzjarju

    Imniedi Abbozz tal-Istrategija Nazzjonali għad-Dħul fl-irtirar u l-Għarfien Finanzjarju

    Waqt konferenza tal-aħbarijiet il-Ministru għall-Familja u Solidarjetà Soċjali flimkien mal-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna, nieda Abbozz tal-Istrateġija Nazzjonali għad-Dħul fl-Irtirar u l-Għarfien Finanzjarju. Il-Ministru Farrugia qal illi l-ġimgħa li għaddiet Malta kellha rispons tajjeb ħafna dwar ix-xogħol li għaddej fuq ir-riforma fil-pensjonijiet. Dan qalitu l-International Monetary Fund fir-rapport tagħha għal Jannar 2016. Filfatt ir-rapport ikkonkluda li…

  • Aktar minn €69,500 f’għajnuna mill-Fond għall-Kawżi Ġusti

    Aktar minn €69,500 f’għajnuna mill-Fond għall-Kawżi Ġusti

    Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna, it-Tnejn 25 ta’ Jannar 2016 qassam €69,588.08 f’għotjiet mill-Fond tal-Lotteriji Nazzjonali għall-Kawżi Ġusti lil sitt organizzazzjonijiet minn oqsma differenti. F’laqgħa li saret fil-Ministeru, il-Belt Valletta, il-Prof. Scicluna kellu wkoll l-okkażjoni li jiddiskuti mar-rappreżentanti ta’ dawn l-għaqdiet, li huma l-Caritas Malta, l-Emergency Response and Rescue Corps, is-Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Marija tal-Qrendi,…

  • Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio

    Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio

    Waqt il-programm ta’ Manuel Micallef, Sibt il-Punt fuq ONE Radio 92.7 flimkien mal-ekonomist Dr Philip von Brockdorff, fejn iddiskjutejna dwar l-andament tal-ekonomija u l-finanzi ta’ pajjiżna. – 24th January, 2016

  • National financial literacy strategy in the pipeline

    National financial literacy strategy in the pipeline

    There is a huge demand for financial information and knowledge from those who wish to invest their money for their retirement, from people who are already investors, from students and now also from members of the press,” Minister for Finance, Edward Scicluna, told a seminar organised by the Tumas Fenech Foundation for Education in Journalism…

  • IMF projects strong outlook for Malta’s economy

    IMF projects strong outlook for Malta’s economy

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects a strong outlook for the Maltese economy, with economic growth expected to remain solid in 2016 and 2017. It also notes the robust economic growth that has beenrecorded by the country’s economy, helped by policy initiatives and supported by vibrant domestic demand, large infrastructure projects, and a stable banking sector.     In its Staff Report…

  • Inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

    Inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

    “On behalf of the Government of Malta I would like to congratulate the People’s Republic of China for the efficient and effective way AIIB has been turned from an idea into reality over such a short period. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE We can say with confidence that this inaugural meeting is…

  • Finance Minister at Inaugural Meeting of the AIIB in Beijing

    Finance Minister at Inaugural Meeting of the AIIB in Beijing

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna, is in Beijing for the inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors of the newly-formed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a China-led multilateral development bank in which Malta is a founder member along with 56 other countries. These include a number of other EU member states including the UK, France,…

  • EU Member States’ competences in the area of taxation must be safeguarded

    EU Member States’ competences in the area of taxation must be safeguarded

    Malta’s continued belief that the European Union Member States’ competences in the area of taxation should be safeguarded by maintaining consensus-based decision-making processes within the EU was on top of the agenda during a bilateral meeting between Finance Minister, Prof. Edward Scicluna and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Pierre Moscovici.…

  • L-istampa kollha

    L-istampa kollha

    Fil-messaġġ tiegħu ta’ tmiem is-sena, il-Papa Franġisku tkaża xi ftit bil-midja, fis-sens illi l-aħbarijiet fil-ġurnali, fuq ir-radju, fuq it-televiżjoni, fuq l-internet u x’naf jien ikunu kważi dejjem negattivi. Jgħidulna dwar qtil, diżastri, bombi, gwerer, terroriżmu, kriminalità… iżda l-affarijiet sbieħ, li wkoll jiġru spiss fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum tan-nies, tal-pajjiżi u tad-dinja, spiss jiġu mwarrbin. Il-Papa appella…

  • Lowest Third Quarter General Government Deficit on Record

    Lowest Third Quarter General Government Deficit on Record

    The third quarter of 2015 has recorded the lowest third quarter deficit since data on the General Government Deficit started being compiled, the latest figures on the Quarterly Accounts for General Government published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) today show. The General Government deficit for July-September 2015 stood at €6.5 million, down from the…