Author: author_pc

  • Looking ahead: Malta’s economic outlook for 2016

    Looking ahead: Malta’s economic outlook for 2016

    A new year is just around the corner and everyone is eager to ensure that the thriving Maltese economy remains on the up. Marie-Claire Grima speaks to two of the most influential figures in the Maltese business landscape to find out more about the nation’s economic prospects for 2016.     As the end of…

  • L-ekonomija ma tikbirx b’kumbinazzjoni

    L-ekonomija ma tikbirx b’kumbinazzjoni

    Il-ġimgħa l-oħra ħareġ rapport preliminari dwar Malta mill-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (FMI). Dan ir-rapport sar minn delegazzjoni ta’ sebgħa uffiċjali għolja li ġew f’pajjiżna apposta. Qattgħu ħmistax-il ġurnata hawnhekk li matulhom evalwaw ir-riżultati ekonomiċi, l-istatistika u l-istituzzjonijiet. Għamlu diversi intervisti u laqgħat oħrajn biex jaslu għall-konklużjonijiet tagħhom dwar l-ekonomija u l-finanzi ta’ pajjiżna.     L-għada…

  • Interview with The Report Company

    Interview with The Report Company

    Oxford graduate and economist Edward Scicluna’s professional career has included stints as a consultant for the EU Commission, UNESCO and for the governments of Albania, Libya and Turkey. He has been called upon to provide economic advice to the IMF annual delegation to Malta as well as rating agencies such as Moody’s and Standard &…

  • Finance Minister welcomes Eurogroup’s approval of Malta’s 2016 Budget

    Finance Minister welcomes Eurogroup’s approval of Malta’s 2016 Budget

    Speaking after the Eurogroup meeting held on 23 November in Brussels, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomed the Eurogroup’s approval as based on the European Commission’s assessment on the basis of the Draft Budgetary Plan for 2016 that Malta submitted to the Commission on 15 October 2015. “Overall, the Commission is of the opinion that…

  • Economic growth doesn’t just happen – Vlog 109

    Economic growth doesn’t just happen – Vlog 109

    The International Monetary Fund’s recent report on Malta concludes that the country’s strong economic growth has been helped by the Government’s policy initiatives. In the meantime, the European Commission has declared Malta’s Budget for 2016 compliant with the Stability and Growth Pact. More in this week’s vlog.       L-ekonomija ma tikbirx mix-xejn –…

  • We should not be afraid to take on Malta’s economic challenges

    We should not be afraid to take on Malta’s economic challenges

    “Malta’s economic future is indeed bright, but not without risks,” said Minister for Finance, Edward Scicluna. “Our economy and its operators have reached a very high level of sophistication. Therefore, we should not be afraid to take on the challenges that lie ahead.” He was addressing the Institute of Financial Services (IFS)’s Annual Dinner at…

  • L-impatt ekonomiku tal-immigrazzjoni

    L-impatt ekonomiku tal-immigrazzjoni

    Ftit hemm suġġetti daqstant delikati u li jqanqlu emozzjonijiet daqs il-migrazzjoni. Nisimgħu ħafna b’dawk li jiġu mill-Afrika, li jġarrbu inċidenti koroh, li jissugraw ħajjithom, jew li saħansitra jitilfu ħajjithom fi tfittxija għal ħajja aħjar. Mis-Sirja, bosta qed jaħarbu mill-kunflitti armati u allura m’għandhomx x’jitilfu jekk jitilqu minn pajjiżhom. Jiġu minn fejn jiġu, regolari jew irregolari,…

  • Malta u l-Curaçao bi ftehim dwar it-taxxa doppja

    Malta u l-Curaçao bi ftehim dwar it-taxxa doppja

    Malta u l-gżira Curaçao tal-Karibew iffirmaw konvenzjoni biex tiġi evitata t-taxxa doppja u għall-prevenzjoni tal-evażjoni fiskali fir-rigward tat-taxxi fuq l-introjtu. Il-ftehim ġie ffirmat l-Erbgħa 18 ta’ Novembru 2015 mill-Ministru għall-Finanzi Malti Edward Scicluna, u mill-kontraparti tiegħu tan-nazzjon kostitwenti tar-Renju tan-Netherlands, is-Sur Jose Jardim. Preżenti għaċ-ċerimonja tal-iffirmar, li saret fil-Ministeru għall-Finanzi, il-Belt, kien hemm, fost l-oħrajn,…

  • Government welcomes Commission’s Budget 2016 Assessment

    Government welcomes Commission’s Budget 2016 Assessment

    The Government welcomes the European Commission’s Assessment on Malta’s Draft Budgetary Plan, published today, which confirms that Malta’s Budget 2016 is compliant with the Growth and Stability Pact. The European Commission is of the opinion that Malta’s growth rate of government expenditure is line with the applicable expenditure benchmark. Furthermore, Malta’s decreasing debt ratio is…

  • Inspirational business leaders should be given due recognition

    Inspirational business leaders should be given due recognition

    “The importance of giving due recognition to inspirational business leaders cannot be stressed enough,” Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said. “Rewarding the ‘best-in-business’ is recognising and celebrating the right entrepreneurial culture which stimulates innovation, drive and commitment of a variety of corporate business clusters, including small and medium enterprises, ranging from iGaming to finance to fashion.”…