Author: author_pc

  • Time ripe for the Malta Stock Exchange to further its activities

    Time ripe for the Malta Stock Exchange to further its activities

    Minister for Finance, Edward Scicluna, commended the efforts and projects that the Malta Stock Exchange is planning to embark upon in the near future. He said that the MSE has served the country well since it was set up 25 years ago, and that the time is now ripe for it to further its activities.…

  • Policy initiatives backing Malta’s strong growth

    Policy initiatives backing Malta’s strong growth

    The IMF 2015 Article IV Mission, which has just completed a review of the Maltese economy and its finances, has concluded that the strong growth of the economy has been “helped by policy initiatives.”     The IMF is also positive about the economic and fiscal prospects for the coming years. It expects economic growth…

  • The economic impact of immigration – Vlog 108

    The economic impact of immigration – Vlog 108

    From an economic perspective, is the influx of immigrants – be they from within the European Union or third-country nationals – beneficial or harmful? Can a manageable influx contribute towards the country’s economic growth? Can it help us address the issue of low-end jobs that no longer manage to attract Maltese workers and of positions…

  • Press release from the Department of Contracts

    Press release from the Department of Contracts

    The Department of Contracts rebuts the allegations being made in sections of the media that the Salina Coast Road project did not go through a tender offer process. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE, THE MINISTRY FOR TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE, AND THE MINISTRY FOR EUROPEAN AFFAIRS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ELECTORAL MANIFESTO The Department…

  • Introdotta l-ewwel skema tal-pensjoni tat-tielet pilastru

    Introdotta l-ewwel skema tal-pensjoni tat-tielet pilastru

    Wara snin twal ta’ kliem favur li jkollna f’Malta leġiżlazzjoni xierqa li tintroduċi l-pensjoni tat-tielet pilastru, dan il-Gvern iddikjara l-impenn tiegħu li dawn il-prodotti ta’ pensjoni privata volontarja jiġu introdotti matul din il-leġiżlatura u dan l-impenn wettqu billi aktar kmieni din is-sena daħħal il-leġiżlazzjoni meħtieġa. Dan għamilha possibbli biex illum tiġi varata l-ewwel skema skont…

  • A one-size-fits-all not in the spirit of the Eurogroup

    A one-size-fits-all not in the spirit of the Eurogroup

    Speaking at the Eurogroup meeting held on 9 November in Brussels, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna emphasised that “while Malta agrees with the moves to strengthen the Euro area through enhanced cooperation, the Commission’s proposals to this end could lead to a one-size-fits-all approach which is not within the spirit we have worked so far…

  • Minister Scicluna in EU Presidency trio meetings in Bratislava

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna met his Dutch and Slovak counterparts, Mr Jeroen Dijsselbom and Mr Peter Kažimír, on Thursday 5 November in the Slovak capital, Bratislava, in preparation for the three countries’ upcoming presidency trio of the Council of the EU, from January 2016 till June 2017. The three ministers exchanged views on the…

  • Minister Scicluna highlights Malta’s advantages to potential investors in London

    Minister Scicluna highlights Malta’s advantages to potential investors in London

    Addressing two separate high-profile events in London on Wednesday, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna invited those present to visit Malta to understand the reasons behind its growing success.     The first event was a pre-CHOGM Commonwealth Business Forum Business Breakfast organised by the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC) with the participation of CWEIC…

  • Is-settur pubbliku: diskussjoni valida u ġustifikata

    Is-settur pubbliku: diskussjoni valida u ġustifikata

    Il-funzjonijiet tal-Gvern għaż-żamma tal-ordni, permezz tal-pulizija u l-armata; is-servizzi tas-saħħa permezz, fost l-oħrajn, tat-tobba u l-infermiera; is-servizzi edukattivi permezz, fost l-oħrajn, tal-għalliema u l-learning support assistants; u x-xogħlijiet pubbliċi, il-programmi u l-inizjattivi governattivi kollha jirrikjedu li jkun hemm nies li jaħdmu f’dak li nirreferu għalih bħala s-settur pubbliku. L-oppost tiegħu hu s-settur privat, fejn wieħed…

  • Finance Minister receives Dutch ambassador ahead of conference on European political, economic and financial issues

    Finance Minister receives Dutch ambassador ahead of conference on European political, economic and financial issues

    On Tuesday 3 November, the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr Johannes Jacobus Peter Nijssen.     The meeting focused primarily on Malta and The Netherlands’ role as part of the trio of countries – together with Slovakia – presiding over the…