Author: author_pc

  • Il-Gvern iniedi l-Fond għall-Leave tal-Maternità kif imħabbar fl-aħħar Baġit

    Il-Gvern iniedi l-Fond għall-Leave tal-Maternità kif imħabbar fl-aħħar Baġit

    F’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet konġunta bejn il-Ministru Helena Dalli u l-Ministru Edward Scicluna, il-Gvern nieda l-fond għall-leave tal-maternità kif imħabbar fl-aħħar baġit. Dan il-fond fil-forma ta’ Trust qed jitwaqqaf permezz ta’ Avviż Legali taħt l-Att dwar it-Trusts u t-Trustees. L-amministrazzjoni ta’ dan it-Trust se tkun f’idejn Bord imwaqqaf taħt l-istess Avviż Legali u li se jkun magħmul…

  • Huawei’s presence will lead to future investment

    Huawei’s presence will lead to future investment

    The presence of Chinese telecoms giant Huawei in Malta will lead to “some form of future investment”, but the government cannot be expected to insist investors announce their plans to the public, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said. “Huawei did not come to Malta to sunbathe. They came here to do business.” Addressing a press conference…

  • Private sector behind surge in employment

    Private sector behind surge in employment

    Data released by NSO confirms the impressive performance being registered in the labour market. In fact, between February 2015 and February 2014, full-time employment increased by 6,622 persons, out of which 6,180 were generated in the private sector. Even after accounting for the re-classification to the private sector of the persons working with the public…

  • L-Importanza tal-Finanzjament tal-Iżvilupp biex jiġu indirizzati l-Għeruq tal-Migrazzjoni Irregolari

    L-Importanza tal-Finanzjament tal-Iżvilupp biex jiġu indirizzati l-Għeruq tal-Migrazzjoni Irregolari

    “Il-finanzjament tal-iżvilupp għandu sehem importanti biex il-pajjiżi tal-oriġini jindirizzaw l-għeruq tal-migrazzjoni irregolari. Huwa biss billi jiġu attakkati l-għeruq tal-migrazzjoni irregolari li din tista’ tiġi kkontrollata u x-xbieki tal-kriminali jinqerdu,” qal il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna meta kien qed jindirizza t-Tielet Konferenza Dinjija dwar il-Finanzjament għall-Iżvilupp illum l-Erbgħa. Huwa qal li barra minn dan, l-assistenza finanzjarja għandha…

  • Seeking Policies which Unite Us

    Seeking Policies which Unite Us

    During a meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council held today 14 July 2015 in Brussels, Finance Ministers held an exchange of views on the Five Presidencies Report on the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). During the meeting, Malta’s Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, remarked that “we should seek policies and…

  • Foreign Media

    Foreign Media

    Greece given 72 hours to win trust by passing bailout laws Greece is asking for 22 billion euros by the end of August to cover its immediate needs and as much as 86 billion in total, Maltese Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said in an interview. The country owes the ECB about 3.5 billion euros on…

  • Standard & Poor’s tgħolli l-Prospettiva ta’ Malta

    Standard & Poor’s tgħolli l-Prospettiva ta’ Malta

    Il-Ministeru tal-Finanzi jinnota b’sodisfazzjon il-klassifikazzjoni aħjar li l-aġenzija internazzjonali tal-klassifikazzjoni tal-kreditu, Standard and Poor’s, tat lil Malta meta rrevediet il-prospettiva ta’ Malta ’l fuq, minn stabbli għal pożittiva, filwaqt li rriaffermat il-klassifika ġenerali tagħha ta’ BBB+.   Meta kien qed jikkummenta dwar ir-rapport, il-Ministru tal-Finanzi, Edward Scicluna, qal: “Id-deċiżjoni ta’ Standard & Poor’s li ttejjeb…

  • Buoyant Revenue reflecting Economy’s Robust Growth

    Buoyant Revenue reflecting Economy’s Robust Growth

    Quarterly figures on General Government Finances published today by NSO show that during the first quarter of this year, Government revenue recorded a strong increase of €59.1 million across all revenue categories. The highest increase was registered in revenue from taxes on production and imports. This reflects the robust growth in private consumption which increased…

  • Export Sector Regaining Strength

    Export Sector Regaining Strength

    Figures issued yesterday by NSO show that Malta’s exports of manufactured goods increased by over €16 million in the first five months of this year. There were increases in exports of food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, vehicles, machinery and mechanical appliances and miscellaneous manufactured articles. The NSO figures also confirm that the imports of investment goods continued…

  • L-inawgurazzjoni tal-Bank Asjatiku tal-Investiment fl-Infrastruttura – Videoblog 96

    L-inawgurazzjoni tal-Bank Asjatiku tal-Investiment fl-Infrastruttura – Videoblog 96

      Fil-kapitali Ċiniża, Beijing, Malta kienet fost il-57 pajjiż azzjonist tal-Bank Asjatiku tal-Investiment fl-Infrastruttura (AIIB) li ħadu sehem attiv fit-twelid uffiċjali tiegħu. Dan il-Bank multilaterali ġdid tal-iżvilupp se jipprovdi sostenn finanzjarju sabiex isir żvilupp infrastrutturali u tikber il-konnettività reġjonali fl-Asja.   Il-parteċipazzjoni ta’ Malta fih tirrifletti l-politika tal-Gvern li jqis lill-Unjoni Ewropea bħala l-familja tagħna…