Author: author_pc

  • Malta submits National Reform Programme 2015 to European Commission

    Malta submits National Reform Programme 2015 to European Commission

    The Ministry for Finance has submitted the National Reform Programme 2015 to the European Commission on 15th April, 2015, in line with the submission deadline and following consultation with the social partners. The National Reform Programme outlines the Government’s country policies and measures pertaining to Malta’s country specific recommendations, and its efforts to sustain growth…

  • Minister for Finance attends IMF / World Bank Spring Meetings

    Minister for Finance attends IMF / World Bank Spring Meetings

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna participated in the 2015 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG) Spring Meetings along with other Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors from the 188 member countries. The Meetings were held on 17th and 18th April in Washington.   Minister Scicluna attended various high level meetings with international financial…

  • Does the euro have a future?

    Does the euro have a future?

      The euro has had its good times and its bad times, and at the moment we’re going through the latter. However, it is here to stay. The whole principle behind the single European currency is not just economic, but also political: countries have come together in a bid to build a strong union through…

  • The way forward for the euro – Videoblog 87

    The way forward for the euro – Videoblog 87

      In his weekly videoblog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna takes a look at the situation across the Eurozone and discusses how the European shared currency can survive and thrive. Amidst all the gloom and doom, he remains optimistic about the euro’s future.   It-triq ‘il quddiem għall-ewro Fil-vlogg tiegħu ta’ kull ġimgħa, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi,…

  • Minister Scicluna welcomes Trinidad and Tobago’s Minister of Public Administration

    Minister Scicluna welcomes Trinidad and Tobago’s Minister of Public Administration

    Finance Minister, Prof. Edward Scicluna, received a courtesy visit by the Minister of Public Administration of Trinidad and Tobago, Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan. The two ministers discussed issues of common interest including the role of energy, tourism, foreign investment, diversification and sustainable development in the economic growth of island nations. Minister Scicluna was accompanied by Commissioner for…

  • Videoblog 86

    Videoblog 86

      – Wednesday, 8th April, 2015

  • Elezzjonijiet Kunsilli Lokali 2015

    Elezzjonijiet Kunsilli Lokali 2015

    Żjarat fil-lokalitajiet f’jum l-Elezzjonijiet Kunsilli Lokali 2015   [nggallery id=249]   – Saturday, 11th April, 2015

  • Courtesy visit from Patrick John Rata High Commissioner of New Zealand

    Courtesy visit from Patrick John Rata High Commissioner of New Zealand

    Courtesy visit from Patrick John Rata High Commissioner of New Zealand   [nggallery id=250]   – Friday, 10th April, 2014

  • Malta tingħaqad ma’ pajjiżi ewlenin bħala membru fundatur tal-Bank Ażjatiku tal-Investiment fl-Infrastruttura

    Malta tingħaqad ma’ pajjiżi ewlenin bħala membru fundatur tal-Bank Ażjatiku tal-Investiment fl-Infrastruttura

    Malta ngħaqdet mal-Ġermanja, Franza, l-Italja, ir-Renju Unit, il-Lussemburgu, l-Iżvizzera u 30 pajjiż ieħor minn madwar id-dinja kollha bħala membru fundatur prospettiv tal-Bank Ażjatiku tal-Investiment fl-Infrastruttura (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – AIIB). Nhar il-Ħamis, 9 ta’ April 2015, il-Ministeru tal-Finanzi taċ-Ċina ħabbar li l-applikazzjoni ta’ Malta biex issir Stat membru mhux reġjonali fundatur kienet ġiet aċċettata.…

  • Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi jattendi diskussjoni dwar is-Settur Bankarju u l-Ġestjoni tad-Dejn Sovran fl-UE

    Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi jattendi diskussjoni dwar is-Settur Bankarju u l-Ġestjoni tad-Dejn Sovran fl-UE

    L-Erbgħa, 8 ta’ April 2015, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna, attenda għal diskussjoni dwar id-dejn sovran, organizzata mill-fergħat tad-Deloitte fi New York, Londra u Malta flimkien mar-Rothschild. Id-diskussjoni ffukat l-aktar fuq l-adegwatezza kapitali tas-settur bankarju, u dwar il-ġestjoni tad-dejn sovran fl-UE.       Saru preżentazzjonijiet mid-Direttur tad-Deloitte, is-Sur Dimitrioc Goranitis, mill-Partner tad-Deloitte fir-Renju Unit, is-Sur…