Author: author_pc

  • Press statement by the Ministry for Finance

    Press statement by the Ministry for Finance

    “The Minister for Finance notes the information released publicly worldwide by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in collaboration with various news outlets, and which pertains to HSBC Swiss accounts as associated to account holders from various countries, including Malta. The Minister for Finance has immediately initiated a process by means of which he has…

  • L-importanza tal-Kredibilita’

    L-importanza tal-Kredibilita’

    Waħda mill-kwalitajiet l-iktar importanti li Gvern irrid iħaddan biex ikun jista’ jikseb l-istabilita’ fil-pajjiż, u b’hekk iżżied il-potenzjal tal-ekonomija, hija l-kredibilita’. Dan il-Gvern għaraf l-importanza ta’ dan il-valur, u għalhekk sa mill-bidu tal-amministrazzjoni tiegħu beda jaħdem bis-sħiħ biex jirbaħ il-kredibilita’ tan-nies li l-Gvern ta’ qabel kien tilef kompletament. U hu għalhekk li fi “track record”…

  • Courtesy call from IMF Executive Director Carlo Cottarelli

    Courtesy call from IMF Executive Director Carlo Cottarelli

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Director Carlo Cottarelli on Friday 6th February 2015. During the visit, Minister Scicluna and Mr Cottarelli discussed the improvements to the Maltese economy brought about by this Government, including the restructuring of various state-owned corporations.   [nggallery id=242]…

  • Malta ranked as the country with the second highest rate of projected economic growth

    Malta ranked as the country with the second highest rate of projected economic growth

    “In its Winter Forecast, the European Commission projects a sustained fall in both the deficit and debt ratios, thus boding well for the upcoming Excessive Deficit Procedure decision,” said the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna. The Finance Minister was commenting on the publication of the European Commission Winter Forecast 2015, published on 5th February…

  • National Statistics Office Visit

    National Statistics Office Visit

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna met with the Board of the Malta Statistics Authority, and toured the offices of the National Statistics Office.   [nggallery id=241]   – 3oth January, 2015    

  • Commission Winter Forecast 2015 : Bodes Well for Excessive Deficit Procedure Outcome – Videoblog 80

    Commission Winter Forecast 2015 : Bodes Well for Excessive Deficit Procedure Outcome – Videoblog 80

      During his weekly video blog, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently-published European Commission Winter Forecast 2015. He notes that while economic forecasts and appraisals are carried out regularly, the Commission Forecast has added importance because it is against the Commission’s forecasts and analysis that Malta’s performance with regard to the…

  • Yes to concessions. But which ones? – Videoblog 79

    Yes to concessions. But which ones? – Videoblog 79

      There is indeed a general agreement amongst the Eurozone governments that they are prepared to sit down and listen to the new Greek government’s demands. At one end one could have on the table new demands for yet further lowering of interest rates or even a further prolongation of the debt maturity period. There…

  • Uzu aħjar tal-Propjeta’ mill-Anzjani

    Uzu aħjar tal-Propjeta’ mill-Anzjani

    Huma ħafna li jitolbu pariri kif jamministraw il-flus tagħhom. Mhuwiex dejjem faċli li tagħti risposta sempliċi għaliex fil-ħajja, ċ-ċirkustanzi jinbidlu, u allura l-mod ta’ kif jistgħu jiġu amministrati l-flus u l-investimenti ta’ kull persuna jvarjaw u jinbidlu skont iċ-ċirkostanzi. Pereżempju, huwa diffiċli li wieħed iġemma’ meta wieħed għandu familja, speċjalment jekk dak għandu wkoll it-tfal…

  • Courtesy Visit from UAE Director General of Insurance Authority

    Courtesy Visit from UAE Director General of Insurance Authority

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from His Excellency Ebrahim Obaid Al Zaabi, Director General of Insurance Authority in the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday 28th January 2015. During the meeting, Minister Scicluna and H.E. Obaid Al Zaabi had occasion to discuss various issues of mutual interest to the Maltese…

  • Government successfully containing public expenditure

    Government successfully containing public expenditure

    Figures published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) on general government expenditure confirm that the Government is successfully containing public expenditure, while at the same time sustaining crucial education, health, and social protection programmes. PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The figures published on Wednesday 28th January 2015 show that the General Government Expenditure…