Author: author_pc

  • S&P Reaffirms BBB+ Rating for Malta with Stable Outlook [WATCH]

    S&P Reaffirms BBB+ Rating for Malta with Stable Outlook [WATCH]

    Standard and Poor’s credit rating report confirms Malta’s BBB+/A-2 long- and short-term rating and reaffirms the outlook of the Maltese economy as stable. This positive assessment that Malta will continue to grow more quickly than the eurozone is being attributed to investments in the energy sector. These investments are the direct results of government’s economic…

  • 2014: Sena li qabzet l-Aspettativi Ekonomici

    2014: Sena li qabzet l-Aspettativi Ekonomici

    Huwa normali li lejn l-aħħar tas-sena wieħed iħares ftit lura u jara minn xiex ikun għadda l-pajjiż, sabiex jiġbed il-konklużjonijiet ta’ dak li ġara, u dak li jkun ma ġarax. Mil-lat ekonomiku, wieħed jista jgħid li s-sena 2014 kellha andament li ma kienx kompletament kostanti. Fl-Unjoni Ewropeja, iżda, it-tkabbir baqa’ kajman. Aktar inkwetanti minn hekk,…

  • €455.8 million assets are regularised under 2014 investment registration scheme (Watch)

    €455.8 million assets are regularised under 2014 investment registration scheme (Watch)

    The Ministry of Finance would like to announce that the 2014 Investment Registration Scheme, which expired on 30 November 2014, attracted a total of 1469 valid registrations covering an aggregate of €455.8 million worth of eligible assets. PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE     Of the total amount registered, €69.8 million or 15%…

  • Looking back to 2014 – Videoblog 74

    Looking back to 2014 – Videoblog 74

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna looks back over 2014 and discusses a few of the most important developments that unfolded during the year. He notes that throughout the European Union, economic growth remained very modest, noting that previously large and well-performing economies such as Germany began experiencing a gradually-diminishing drop in economic growth…

  • Żjara lill-ħaddiema tad-dwana stazzjonati fl-ajruport internazzjonali f’jum il-Milied

    Żjara lill-ħaddiema tad-dwana stazzjonati fl-ajruport internazzjonali f’jum il-Milied

    F’jum il-Milied, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, il-Professur Edward Scicluna żar lill-ħaddiema tad-dwana stazzjonati fl-ajruport internazzjonali u li kienu skedati sabiex jaħdmu f’dak il-jum.   Stqarrija Maħruġa Mill-Ministeru Għall-Finanzi Il-Ministru Scicluna rringrazzja u rrikonoxxa lill-ħaddiema kollha, li filwaqt li f’dawn il-jiem ta’ festi kulħadd ikun magħqud jiċċelebra mal-għeżież tiegħu, dawn il-ħaddiema, fost oħrajn, ikomplu jipprovdu s-servizzi tagħhom lill-poplu…

  • More about Credit Rating Agencies – Videoblog 73

        During his weekly video blog, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna explores the nature and function of the oft-mentioned Credit Rating Agencies, such as Standard & Poor’s, Fitch IBCA, Moody’s and others such as DBRS. Prof. Scicluna explains that the function of these agencies, despite how they are invariably mentioned within the…

  • Meeting with World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director

    Meeting with World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna met with Regional Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) European Region Office Ms Zsuzsanna Jakab, and discussed the priorities of the local health sector.     Prof. Scicluna’s meeting with Ms Zsuzsanna took place as part of a number of consultative meetings with various Government ministries and…

  • Malta fil-Quċċata tat-Tkabbir Ekonomiku

    Malta fil-Quċċata tat-Tkabbir Ekonomiku

    Din il-ġimgħa l-aġenzija tal-istatistika Ewropea Eurostat ippubblikat r-rata ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku għal pajjiżna għat-tielet kwart ta’ din is-sena. Din ir-rata kienet waħda kbira ta’ 3.8 fil-mija. Xi tfisser din għalina? L-ewwelnett, biex wieħed jara l-kobor tagħha, jew iqis kemm hija b’saħħitha din ir-rata, wieħed għandu jikkomparaha mar-rati tas-seba’ u għoxrin pajjiż ieħor fl-Unjoni Ewropea. Nistgħu…

  • Sound Banking Sector Paramount to Malta’s Economic Success

    Sound Banking Sector Paramount to Malta’s Economic Success

    A sound banking sector is paramount to Malta’s economic success and therefore the Government is fully committed towards strengthening and supporting financial institutions with the view of encouraging further growth in the economy, said the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna He was speaking during the official inauguration of Mediterranean Corporate Bank in Sliema on…

  • IMF report reconfirms strength of Malta’s economy

    IMF report reconfirms strength of Malta’s economy

    The Country Report on Malta published by the International Monetary Fund is further reconfirmation that the Maltese economy is strong, and that Malta continues to lead on economic growth within the EU. PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The Ministry for Finance notes that the IMF’s report joins other published reports by other international…