Author: author_pc

  • Government supporting SMEs by providing more options for Capital and Financing

    Government supporting SMEs by providing more options for Capital and Financing

    Edward Scicluna was speaking during the Institute of Financial Services-Malta (IFS) Annual Dinner, held at the Hilton on Monday 15th December 2014. “The Government is seeking to strengthen the sustainability of the country’s capital markets, in particular to improve access to a wider and more competitive source of capital options for SMEs,”     He…

  • Pulse Economic Affairs Review Board delivers reaction on Budget 2015

    Pulse Economic Affairs Review Board delivers reaction on Budget 2015

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna met with student organization Pulse Economic Affairs Review Board on Wednesday 17th December to discuss the Budget 2015 and the measures presented therein. During the meeting, the Pulse Economic Affairs Review Board representatives welcomed the opportunity to discuss the budget directly with the Finance Minister.     The representatives…

  • What is contributing to Malta’s economic growth? – Videoblog 72

    What is contributing to Malta’s economic growth? – Videoblog 72

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently published NSO figures on economic growth, which confirm Malta’s place as the leading economy on growth in the Eurogroup. The figures show that during the third quarter of 2014 real GDP increased by 3.8% from 3.4% registered in the previous quarter, while for the…

  • Il-Baġit 2015 huwa issa Approvat

    Il-Baġit 2015 huwa issa Approvat

    Bħalissa qed nisimgħu ħafna dwar kif l-Unjoni Ewropea qed tiskrutinizza u tevalwa l-baġits rispettivi tal-pajjiżi li jikkostitwixxu l-membri taż-Żona Ewro. Dawn jammontaw għal b’kollox tmintax–il pajjiż, li jinkludu lil pajjiżna. Din l-evalwazzjoni li qed issir fuq il-baġits li ġew ippreżentati minn dawn il-pajjiżi, u abbażi ta’ din l-evalwazzjoni, il-baġits jistgħu jiġu aċċettati jew le. Xi…

  • Eurogroup evaluates member states’ Draft Budgets – Videoblog 71

    Eurogroup evaluates member states’ Draft Budgets – Videoblog 71

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the process by which the European Commission evaluates the draft budgets submitted on 15 October 2015 by the 18 member countries which constitute the Eurozone. Minister Scicluna explains that on the basis of this evaluation, countries can be request to enact additional measures to strengthen their…

  • Malta’s Strong Economic Growth at 3.8% continues to lead in Eurogroup

    Malta’s Strong Economic Growth at 3.8% continues to lead in Eurogroup

    The latest published figure of 3.8% real growth by the National Statistics Office (NSO) and the Eurostat confirm, yet again, the robustness of the Maltese economy. The figures confirm that the economy is benefitting from the various measures undertaken by the Government to create an environment which encourages effort and investment. Similar views were also…

  • Council expects Malta to exit excessive deficit procedure

    Council expects Malta to exit excessive deficit procedure

    “I am very pleased to note that the Council has already classified Malta as being under the preventive arm rather than the corrective arm, thus confirming that Malta is expected to exit from the current excessive deficit procedure early next year.”   PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   This was stated by Minister…

  • Diskors tal-gheluq tad-dibattitu tal-budget – Sessjoni Plenarja – 04122014

    Diskors tal-gheluq tad-dibattitu tal-budget – Sessjoni Plenarja – 04122014

        – : Thursday, 4th December, 2014

  • Evaluating some budget measures – Videoblog 70

    Evaluating some budget measures  – Videoblog 70

      A few days following the Budget 2015 speech in Parliament, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses those measures which received the most interest from the public. He notes that in the days following the Budget speech, he had occasion to visit the Budget 2015 freephone centre, which is tasked with receiving the…

  • Budget 2015 is female centric

    Budget 2015 is female centric

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna underlined that the Budget 2015 embodies the Government’s determination to facilitate access to work for women, adding that this will be done through measures that will encourage women to join the workforce while also addressing obstacles that prevent or discourage them from doing so.   Minister Scicluna was speaking…