Author: author_pc

  • Fiducjuzi li l-Kummissjoni se twaqqa’ l-proċeduri ta’ defiċit eċċessiv

    Fiducjuzi li l-Kummissjoni se twaqqa’ l-proċeduri ta’ defiċit eċċessiv

    Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna qal li jinsab fiducjuz li fl-ewwel xhur tas-sena d-dieħla, il-Kummissjoni Ewropea se tkun qed twaqqa’ l-proċedura li fetħet kontra Malta s-sena li għaddiet dwar defiċit eċċessiv. Meta kien qiegħed jindirizza laqgħa ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika fi pjazza San Ġorġ fil-Belt Valletta, il-Ministru Scicluna qal li d-defiċit niżel taħt il-previżjonijiet tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea kemm matul…

  • European Commission’s Opinion on the Draft Budgetary Plan

    European Commission’s Opinion on the Draft Budgetary Plan

    The Ministry for Finance notes the European Commission’s Opinion on the Draft Budgetary Plan of Malta, the Annual Growth Survey, and the Alert Mechanism Report, which were issued today. The Commission Opinion concludes that the Government’s draft budgetary plan, as submitted on the 15th October, appears plausible for 2014, while optimistic for 2015. No changes…

  • Draft Budgetary Plan for Malta

    Draft Budgetary Plan for Malta

    The Ministry for Finance notes the report by Reuters in the media in connection with the upcoming Commission Opinion on the Draft Budgetary Plan for Malta. PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   More specifically, it notes the report that Malta is not being reported as one of the countries which are likely to…

  • Government Safeguarding Families’ Quality of Living while ensuring Private Sector remains Competitive

    Government Safeguarding Families’ Quality of Living while ensuring Private Sector remains Competitive

    The Government’s Budget for 2015 will improve the standard of living enjoyed by Maltese families, while also ensuring that the private sector remains competitive in order to generate more employment. Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna and Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Dr. Chris Cardona visited the premises of the World Aviation…

  • Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – Saturday, 22nd November, 2014

    Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – Saturday, 22nd November, 2014

    Profs. Edward Scicluna fil-programm SIBT IL-PUNT fuq ONE radio, immexxi minn Manuel Micallef.     Programme will be available soon.   – Saturday, 22nd November, 2014    

  • Budget 2015: Rewarding Diligence – Videoblog 69

    Budget 2015: Rewarding Diligence – Videoblog 69

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the Budget 2015, which was presented in Parliament only days earlier, and which was met with widespread approval by the social partners. He explains that among the Budget’s main priorities is, first and foremost, to address the country’s debt, which the new Government inherited from previous…

  • Budget 2015 is removing obstacles to business and ensuring economic growth is distributed in just and fair manner

    Budget 2015 is removing obstacles to business and ensuring economic growth is distributed in just and fair manner

    The 2015 Budget is removing obstacles to local businesses and enterprises, while assisting lower income earners, to ensure that the country keeps generating economic growth, and that the wealth that is created is distributed in a just and fair manner, said the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna. The Minister for Finance was speaking following…

  • Government committed towards reducing bureaucracy and improving competitiveness

    Government committed towards reducing bureaucracy and improving competitiveness

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna stated that the Government is committed towards reducing bureaucracy and increasing competitiveness so as to encourage further investment. PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE     Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the opening address to the Malta Association of Credit Management conference which was held at the…

  • Malta Budget 2015: Nippremjaw il-Bżulija

    Malta Budget 2015: Nippremjaw il-Bżulija

    Dokument tal-Baġit >>   Defiċit Miri tad-defiċit: 2.1% għal din is-sena u 1.6% għas-sena d-dieħla. SISA fuq l-inbid u l-għalf tal-fish farms Dħul ta’ 20 ċenteżmu SISA fuq kull litru ta’ nbid lokali u internazzjonali. Dan se jkun akkumpanjat minn promozzjoni tal-inbid Malti. SISA fuq l-għalf tal-fish farms Prezz tal-Gass Prezz stabbli għall-gass sa April li…

  • Baġit li jgħin l-Ekonomija, jippremja l-Bżulija u jgħin lill-Faxxa t’Isfel

    Baġit li jgħin l-Ekonomija, jippremja l-Bżulija u jgħin lill-Faxxa t’Isfel

    Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat elenka l-baġit li tressaq fil-Parlament bħala wieħed mimli inizjattivi, li jgħin l-ekonomija, jippremja l-bżulija u jgħin lill-faxxa t’isfel biex inkunu soċjalment ġusti. Waqt konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fil-Berġa ta’ Kastilja, il-Prim Ministru qal li dan huwa parti minn pjan ta’ ħidma ottimista li l-poplu qiegħed jilqa’ u jifhem. Joseph Muscat sostna kif kull…