Author: author_pc

  • Baġit 2015 – Watch Live

    Baġit 2015 – Watch Live

    -Monday, 17th November, 2014

  • NSO controversy a ‘storm in a teacup’

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna explains to the Times of Malta that the Opposition’s recent attacks regarding the National Statistics Office Director General’s position is a storm in a tea cup. He explained that it is normal procedure for a call for applications to be held when the post of a Director…

  • Encouraging Young People to Save – Videoblog 68

    Encouraging Young People to Save – Videoblog 68

    In his weekly video blog, the Minister for Finance discusses the recently launched private pensions schemes, through which the Government is encouraging people and families to save for a more comfortable future. Prof. Scicluna says that he was pleased to be able to launch the initiative, in view of how for many years the pension…

  • Government launches third pillar pension scheme

    Government launches third pillar pension scheme

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna launched the Third Pillar pension scheme, referred to as the Personal Retirement Scheme, and which is being supplemented by another scheme, the Individual Savings Account (ISA). Both schemes are optional and are intended to encourage low-income earners to save more for their retirement and safeguard their future quality…

  • Government reducing bureaucracy on property valuations

    Government reducing bureaucracy on property valuations

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna announced a new property valuation system on Tuesday 11 November 2014 which will reduce bureaucracy on property valuations. Minister Scicluna explained how the present architect’s valuation system is bureaucratic and a source of harassment for ordinary citizens who happen to be buying, selling, or inheriting properties. It is…

  • Il-Gvern jiltaqa’ mal-Imsieħba Soċjali u l-Korpi Kostitwiti għat-tielet darba b’konsultazzjoni qabel il-Baġit 2015

    Il-Gvern jiltaqa’ mal-Imsieħba Soċjali u l-Korpi Kostitwiti għat-tielet darba b’konsultazzjoni qabel il-Baġit 2015

    Illum saret l-aħħar laqgħa ta’ konsultazzjoni mal-Kunsill Malti għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku u Soċjali l-MCESD dwar il-Baġit 2015.   Jintemm il-proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni wiesgħa dwar il-baġit mifrux fuq perjodu ta’ xahrejn li l-Gvern mexxa mas-soċjetà ċivili, għaqdiet u mal-pubbliku Fil-ftuħ tal-laqgħa, il-Ministru għad-Djalogu Soċjali, Affarijiet tal-Konsumatur u Libertajiet Ċivili Helena Dalli fissret kif permezz ta’ din it-tielet…

  • Paper Scan – 9th November 2014 – ONE

    Paper Scan – 9th November 2014 – ONE

    – Sunday, 9th November, 2014

  • Holding the country’s purse strings

    In eight days’ time, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna will announce the Budget for 2015. Vanessa Macdonald asked him about the impact of the measures in the last Budget The deficit target announced in Budget 2014 was €140 million. According to the National Statistics Office, by September this year it was already €284 million, in spite…

  • Maltese Government committed towards expanding its business outside the EU

    Maltese Government committed towards expanding its business outside the EU

    The Minister for Finance Prof Edward Scicluna stated that the Government is fully committed towards furthering its economic growth by extending its look outside the EU for new business opportunities. During a courtesy visit with a Vietnamese delegation on Wednesday 5th November, Minister Scicluna highlighted Malta’s strengths within the accountancy, financial, legal and IT sectors.…

  • Malta welcomes equal treatment of staggered payment option

    Malta welcomes equal treatment of staggered payment option

    Speaking in Brussels at the Council Meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) on the 7 November 2014, in relation to the additional contribution towards the EU Budget announced recently, the Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna said that, “Although the statistical revisions did not come as a surprise to Malta, there is a…