Author: author_pc

  • Sailing smoothly through choppy waters – Videoblog 67

    Sailing smoothly through choppy waters – Videoblog 67

    In his weekly video blog, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomes the recently-published appraisal by the European Commission, which describes Malta as sailing smoothly through choppy waters. He notes that the Commission’s report highlights two main aspects: Malta’s current performance, as well as it expected performance for the coming years. The Minister remarks…

  • HSBC’s newly refurbished flagship branch in Merchants’ Street

    HSBC’s newly refurbished flagship branch in Merchants’ Street

    Speaking during the inauguration, Minister Scicluna said Malta is where it is today, receiving good news from the European Commission and various credit rating agencies, because of the stability the whole country has worked hard to retain. “This stability is not just economic, or political. It is also financial. This is thanks to our banks,…

  • Tnaqqis fit-Taxxa għall-Kumpaniji li jagħmlu donazzjonijiet lill-Malta Community Chest Fund

    Tnaqqis fit-Taxxa għall-Kumpaniji li jagħmlu donazzjonijiet lill-Malta Community Chest Fund

    Bħala parti mill-ħidma tal-Gvern sabiex jinkoraġixxi aktar donazzjonijiet minn intrapriżi, donazjonijiet li jsiru minn kumpaniji lill-Malta Community  Chest Fund se jkunu tax deductible. Dan it-tnaqqis fit-taxxa kien imħabbar mill-President ta’ Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca u l-Ministru għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna, l-Erbgħa 5 ta’ Novembru 2014.    [nggallery id=223]   Filwaqt li kien qed iħabbar din it-tnaqqis…

  • Commission Autumn forecast for Malta: Smooth Sailing in Choppy Waters

    Commission Autumn forecast for Malta: Smooth Sailing in Choppy Waters

    Deficit under control, Economic growth higher than anticipated and expected to remain strong The Ministry for Finance welcomes the European Commission’s positive appraisal of the Maltese economy in its 2014 Autumn Forecast, wherein it recognises the robust performance to date, and for the coming two years. “What I liked most from the various comments was…

  • Malta’s VAT mechanism amongst the most efficient

    Malta’s VAT mechanism amongst the most efficient

    The Ministry for Finance considers Malta’s VAT mechanism as one of the most efficient among the EU’s 28 member states. This goes completely contrary to what was reported by the European Commission in its recently published report for 2012. While the Commission estimates some €241 million were lost to tax evasion in 2012, the Ministry’s…

  • Reduced Tax on Rent

    Reduced Tax on Rent

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna launched a new withholding tax on rent on Thursday 30 October 2014. Minister Scicluna explained that by means of the new scheme, whereby the rate of tax on income from rented properties would be reduced from a maximum of 35% to 15%, tax evasion will be discouraged and…

  • Malta joins 50 other countries and jurisdictions in the fight against tax evasion – Videoblog 66

    Malta joins 50 other countries and jurisdictions in the fight against tax evasion – Videoblog 66

      In his weekly video blog, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna explains that last week, he was invited to attend Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, which took place on 28th and 29th October 2014 in Berlin. Prof. Scicluna explains that during the Forum, Malta joined 50 other states…

  • Il-Mekkaniżmu tal-Cola

    Il-Mekkaniżmu tal-Cola

    Ftit jiem ilu l-kelliem għall-finanzi tal-Oppożizzjoni s-Sur Tonio Fenech ħareġ jitkaża bil-Gvern b’kemm se jagħti COLA baxxa għall-għoli tal-ħajja, filwaqt li jiftaħar li fil-gvern tagħhom kienu taw COLA akbar u b’saħħitha ta’ ’l fuq minn tliet ewro fil-ġimgħa. Din kienet ħaġa wisq sorprendenti li ma kontx nistenna mingħand il-kelliem tal-Oppożizzjoni. li jgħid li l-COLA tiġi…

  • Malta joins 50 states and jurisdictions in signing Multilateral Agreement on Automatic Exchange of Tax Information

    Malta joins 50 states and jurisdictions in signing Multilateral Agreement on Automatic Exchange of Tax Information

      Malta has joined 50 states and jurisdictions in signing a Multilateral Agreement on The Automatic Exchange of Tax Information in Berlin, under the aegis of the OECD.   PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE   The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed the signing, underlining that it represents an important step in…

  • Moody’s praises Malta’s robust growth as economy going forward

    Moody’s praises Malta’s robust growth as economy going forward

    “Government reforms targeting bottlenecks” – Moody’s Credit rating agency Moody’s praised Malta’s economic performance saying Malta’s economy is going forward. Moody’s highlights higher domestic consumption and last year’s good export performance, as well as major government reforms in the energy sector and labour market, to keep improving Malta’s performance as it reaffirms Malta’s A3 credit…