Author: maltese

  • Scicluna ‘considers’ Muscat’s invitation to stand with MLP

    Scicluna ‘considers’ Muscat’s invitation to stand with MLP

    MaltaToday can reveal that Muscat asked the renowned professor to contest on the Labour ticket in the last days, as rumours that the MLP was planning to announce a star candidate for the upcoming June elections abounded. “Yes, I am actively considering contesting as an MLP candidate,” Prof. Scicluna told MaltaToday. “I’m giving it another…

  • Intaxxati bil-moħbi

    Intaxxati bil-moħbi

    Kulħadd jaċċetta li kull Gvern irid jintaxxa biex ikollu x’jonfoq fuq is-servizzi pubbliċi. Però għal kol lox hemm limitu. U dan japplika għat-taxxi wkoll. Mhux l-ewwel darba fl-istorja nisim għu b’rew wixti meta l-pajjiż iħoss li m’għan dux iħallas iżjed milli jmissu. It-tbatija, riżultat tal-piż tat-taxxa, tkun tant kbira li l-pop lu ma jkunx jiflaħ…

  • Taxation by stealth

    Taxation by stealth

    We define a tax burden as the ratio of revenue from taxation to the country’s national income as measured by the GDP. This ratio varies over time and from country to country. What is definite about it is that, as the tax burden increases so does the pinch on one’s pocket. Most of the time…

  • Yet another tax-and-spend binge

    Yet another tax-and-spend binge

    Outspoken economist Edward Scicluna sticks to his guns and wards off detractors by saying it as it is when it comes to the state of the economy. As he peers from behind his spectacles, Edward Scicluna makes a gentle allusion to the state of the Maltese economy, as a hard-working bloke with a recurring drinking…

  • Government math is “flawed” says economist

    Government math is “flawed” says economist

    Government’s calculation showing how a reduction of public holidays which fall on a weekend will increase productivity by around 1.5 per cent in 2005 is flawed and the workings presented to the social partners are “a childish attempt at economic estimation” according to economist Edward Scicluna. Speaking to The Malta Financial and Business Times, the…

  • Press Release – Dejn

    Press Release – Dejn

    Press Release – 25 ta’ April 2009. Stqarrija mahruga mill-Kandidat ghall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew Edward Scicluna Il-gvern mgieghel jammetti li id-deficit u d-dejn huma akbar milli kien qieghed jistma fil-passat b’sistema tal-accounting antikwata Il-Kandidat Laburista ghall-elezzjonijiet ghall-Parlament Ewropew, il-Professur Edward Scicluna, qal li l-Gvern gie mgieghel jammetti li d-Deficit u d-Dejn ghall-2008 huma fil-fatt ikbar milli kien…

  • EC ‘too naïve’ to believe Malta’s fiscal deficit was a one-off

    EC ‘too naïve’ to believe Malta’s fiscal deficit was a one-off

    Senior economist and Labour candidate for the European Parliament (EP) elections Edward Scicluna said that with its assessment of Malta’s Stability Programme for 2009, “once and for all the EU has clarified a point which I felt was being misunderstood by many local economic observers. “This refers to the quick conclusion reached, that while the…

  • The ‘big R’ has arrived

    The ‘big R’ has arrived

    The economy went into a recession during the second half of 2008, confirming the widespread feeling that Malta was not going to remain unscathed by the “big R”. Economic growth for the whole of 2008 reached 1.6 per cent, which, although positive, was still two percentage points lower than the previous year and half of…

  • Capital projects could re-ignite economy

    Capital projects could re-ignite economy

    The capital projects proposed by government could be the key for public finances to recover from the current state which saw the deficit expand by EUR74m in January. Statistics issued last week by the National Statistics Office showed that government debt increased by 117 per cent during January to EUR136.5m, more than double the amount…

  • Budget 2009

    Budget 2009

    Never before has such a budget created so much doubts about the true state of our public finances. The same can be said for the loss of credibility in any economic or financial projections supplied by the Government. This creates uncertainty which does irreparable damage to both the private financial and real sectors of the…