Author: maltese

  • Press Release – Il-Faqar f’Malta

    Press Release – Il-Faqar f’Malta

    Ix-xibka ta’ lqugh li jipprovdi l-gvern permezz tal-welfare state sabiex persuni u familji zvantaggjati, minhabba mard, nuqqas ta’ xoghol jew xi problemi socjali ohra ma jaqghux fil-faqar ma hix sufficjenti bizzejjed. Dan qalu l-Kandidat Laburista għall-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew il-Professur Edward Scicluna waqt żjara li għamel fid-djar amministrati mill-YMCA. Il-YMCA hija organizzazzjoni non-governattiva li tipprovdi akkomodazzjoni…

  • Economists fear forthcoming recession

    Economists fear forthcoming recession

    Asked to comment on the interim forecast statistics issued by the European Commission (EC) on Monday, two economists warned Business Today that the Maltese economy could be facing a recession by the end of the year. Veteran economist Karm Farrugia said we are in danger of falling into a recession “soon if no action is…

  • Government urged to inject liquidity in the economy

    Government urged to inject liquidity in the economy

    Economist Edward Scicluna said today that the government needed to ensure that there was liquidity in the country to stave off the consequences of a recession which was gripping many economies. He also insisted that the government needed to have better control on public spending. Speaking at a GRTU national conference, Prof Scicluna said that…

  • Budget 2009

    Budget 2009

    The Government is trying to downplay its unprecedented fiscal slippage just in its very first year of its Eurozone membership. This Budget, more than any other past budget, is rightly being analysed for its economic management content, rather than for the one cent tax here and the two cents benefits there traditional review. In this…

  • Malta not immune to US recession woes

    Malta not immune to US recession woes

    Edward Scicluna explained that “any US recession would affect the Maltese economy through its global impact, that is, if other countries, especially the EU would be affected.. Leading economists speak about the effects of a US recession on the Maltese economy Economists quizzed by Business Today about the effects of a potential recession in the…

  • Press Release – Għawdex jeħtieġ Public Service Contract ġeneruż fit-trasport bejn il-gżejjer li dalwaqt se jiġi liberalizzat

    Press Release – Għawdex jeħtieġ Public Service Contract ġeneruż fit-trasport bejn il-gżejjer li dalwaqt se jiġi liberalizzat

    Press Release – 10 ta’ Mejju 2009 Stqarrija mahruga mill-Kandidat ghall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew Edward Scicluna Għawdex jeħtieġ Public Service Contract ġeneruż fit-trasport bejn il-gżejjer li dalwaqt se jiġi liberalizzat Għal kull miljun Ewro roħs fil-prezzi tal-biljetti tal- Gozo Channel, l-ekonomija Għawdxija tiggwadanja bejn hames u seba’ miljun Ewro riżultat tal-flus li jintefqu minn min iżur lil…

  • Gozo an ecological island? You must be joking

    Gozo an ecological island? You must be joking

    It is all so easy to come up with a catchphrase for an election and declare that your aim is to turn Gozo into an ecological island. The Malta Independent on Sunday, 8th June 2008, by Noel Grima -It is all so easy to come up with a catchphrase for an election and declare that…

  • Andorra Congress on Women of the Small States of Europe

    Andorra Congress on Women of the Small States of Europe

    Professor Edward Scicluna, chairing the forum, urged political parties to follow the pattern that the Malta Council for Economic & Social Development (MCESD) together with Civil Society representatives has adopted – that debates of national importance be concrete and productive. NCW President Grace Attard and General Secretary Doris Bingley were invited to participate in the…

  • Journeying to Maastricht

    Journeying to Maastricht

    The Maltese Government has a plan for economic recovery. But not all is ship-shape according to economics professor Edward Scicluna. The Maltese government has only just recently published a financial and economic report that was delivered to the EU’s Economic and Financial Ministers Council. Forewarned of the bloated budgetary deficit and its high rate of…

  • Competitiveness – Business Today

    Competitiveness – Business Today

    The KPMG report is simply an exercise carried out to recover all the costs …..past, present and future incurred by Enemalta and the WSC to make sure that our two main public monopolists would not feel ever the need to seek Government assistance. is, if other countries, especially the EU would be affected The whole…