Accused of failure, energy regulator stays mum
The energy regulator has remained silent on the serious accusation made by economist Edward Scicluna that it failed to protect consumers in the ongoing saga regarding the new energy bills. Published by Kurt Sansone Prof. Scicluna accused the Malta Resources Authority of being “conspicuous by its absence” and having “no clue” what its legal obligations…
Il-ħidma tal-PL kienet kruċjali biex jiġi salvat Wied il-Buni
Waqt il-laqgħa ġie aċċettat dak li qal il-Professur Edward Scicluna, li ġibed l-attenzjoni tal-bord tal-MEPA ghal fatt li ma kienx sar studju xjentifiku sħiħ dwar l-impatt soċjali tal-proġett. Is-sehem tal-kandidati Labu ris ti għall-Parlament Ewropew Edward Scicluna u Steve Borg kien kruċjali fil-ħidma biex tit waq qaf l-estensjoni tal-Freeport f’Birżebbuġa u jsalvaw Wied il-Buni. Sindki…
Eco-reduction threshold out of reach
Economist Edward Scicluna believes that the threshold of consumption below which eco-reduction tariffs will apply are too low for 1-2 person families to reach – and since over half of these are pensioners, they have hardly any chance of benefiting. Prof. Scicluna was asked by the General Workers’ Union and the Malta Union of Teachers…