Economists disagree on ECB decision not to cut interest rates further
A panel of economists interviewed by Business Today had differing opinions about the European Central Bank (ECB)’s decision not to cut interest rates further and keep the base rate at 2 per cent for February. In announcing the ECB council decision on 5 February 2009, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet explained that as anticipated in its…
A piglet on Noah’s Ark
But are we sure we are not the piglet on Noah’s Ark? Are not our symptoms very much akin to the “PIGS” family? Are not our exports and tourist services uncompetitive? Times of Malta – Wednesday 25th February 2009 In spite of the great foreboding 10 years ago, that the eurozone is not exactly the…
Maltese economists concur on a further reduction to combat recession
A panel of economists asked by Business Today about tomorrow’s European Central Bank (ECB) interest rate decision were in consensus that there was still the need for another rate cut after last month’s decision to slash ECB interest rate decision tomorrow Maltese economists concur on a further reduction to combat recession When asked by this…
MCED to act as a forum for wage debate
Any change will have great possible impact The Malta Council for Economic Development will be the platform not only to continue discussions on the way that the Retail Price Index is calculated, but also for the unions to voice their disagreement with the way that the social wage is calculated. By Miriam Dunn MCED Chairman,…
Employment predictions
There is no doubt that Mr Vince Farrugia attempted to attack my economic and statistical credibility when he tried to misrepresent the results of my model regarding the employment implications of a fall in our exports. He said and I quote: “With a 20% drop in exports according to his predictions we should by now…
Accused of failure, energy regulator stays mum
The energy regulator has remained silent on the serious accusation made by economist Edward Scicluna that it failed to protect consumers in the ongoing saga regarding the new energy bills. Published by Kurt Sansone Prof. Scicluna accused the Malta Resources Authority of being “conspicuous by its absence” and having “no clue” what its legal obligations…
Il-ħidma tal-PL kienet kruċjali biex jiġi salvat Wied il-Buni
Waqt il-laqgħa ġie aċċettat dak li qal il-Professur Edward Scicluna, li ġibed l-attenzjoni tal-bord tal-MEPA ghal fatt li ma kienx sar studju xjentifiku sħiħ dwar l-impatt soċjali tal-proġett. Is-sehem tal-kandidati Labu ris ti għall-Parlament Ewropew Edward Scicluna u Steve Borg kien kruċjali fil-ħidma biex tit waq qaf l-estensjoni tal-Freeport f’Birżebbuġa u jsalvaw Wied il-Buni. Sindki…
Eco-reduction threshold out of reach
Economist Edward Scicluna believes that the threshold of consumption below which eco-reduction tariffs will apply are too low for 1-2 person families to reach – and since over half of these are pensioners, they have hardly any chance of benefiting. Prof. Scicluna was asked by the General Workers’ Union and the Malta Union of Teachers…
MEP proposes temporary quotas for women
Temporary quotas should be established to give females a better chance of participating in the upper echelons of power, MEP Edward Scicluna said this morning. Speaking at a conference organised by European Parliament Office in collaboration with the National Council of Women, Prof. Scicluna said he “could not imagine” the committees of the European Parliament…
Rise in inflation rate
Although the rise in Malta’s inflation rate to 3.6 per cent as established by Eurostat for July has brought about a chorus of anxious signals from the economic field, a leading economist has gone even further and expressed his concern at the current deficit and debt levels which he says are unsustainable. Speaking to The…