#133 – Are rules meant to be broken?
The EU has gone to great lengths to set up rules on the fiscal conduct of its member states with a set of penalties to be imposed on those states who do not abide by these rules. Should the EU go hard on these countries in order to set an example for all and…
#132 – Honest broker
What should we expect of Malta’s EU presidency? How will the Maltese presidency influence the future of the EU? How can Malta act as a broker between the EU and the UK? More on this vlog Medjatur onest X’għandna nistennew mill-presidenza Maltija tal-Unjoni Ewropea? X’impatt mistennija jkollha l-presidenza Maltija fuq il-futur tal-Unjoni Ewropea?…
#131 – BREXIT: The morning after
What led to Brexit? How is Malta looking at Brexit? Which sectors could be badly affected? Which sectors are more likely to benefit from new opportunities? BREXIT u l-impatt tiegħu X’wassal għall-Brexit? Malta bħalissa kif qeda tħares lejn il-Brexit? Liema setturi jistgħu jintlaqtu ħażin? Liema setturi jistgħu jinfetħulhom opportunitajiet? – 5th…
#130 – Agreement on the Anti Tax Avoidance Directive
What is the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion? What were large multinational companies doing to reduce tax liability and avoid paying taxes? What action did the EU Council of Finance Ministers take? What action did Malta take to protect our taxation system? Ftehim fuq direttiva li tiġġieled l-abbuż fuq it-taxxa…
The European Presidency – Vlog 119
What role will our country have during the European Union Presidency? What leads us for a successful European Presidency? What preparations are being carried out to host the European Presidency into our country? Il-Presidenza Ewropea X’irwol ser ikollu pajjiżna fil-Presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea? Xi jwassal biex ikollna presidenza ewropea suċċess? X’inhuma l-preparamenti li…
Interest rate and inflation – Vlog 117
Many are those who wish banks to increase the interest rates. Is it good to have a high interest rate? And when you compare the interest rate to the inflation rate, what’s left in your hands? These are questions that require answers. Ir-rati tal-imgħax u l-inflazzjoni Huma ħafna dawk li jixtiequ…
Making Risks Known – Vlog 116
Risk features constantly in our lives. Every decision we take contains a margin of risk. Before an individual or a company decide to go ahead and invest money in a capital project from which, they expect to receive a good return, they have to evaluate and assess all the risks associated with such an investment.…
Attività Politika fiċ-Ċentru Laburista ta’ Ħal Qormi
[nggallery id=299] – 15th February, 2015
Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio
Waqt il-programm ta’ Manuel Micallef, Sibt il-Punt fuq ONE Radio 92.7 flimkien mal-ekonomist Dr Philip von Brockdorff, fejn iddiskjutejna dwar l-andament tal-ekonomija u l-finanzi ta’ pajjiżna. – 24th January, 2016