Category: Latest News

  • Budget 2020: Strument għat-tkabbir ekonomiku u għat-tqassim tal-ġid

    Budget 2020: Strument għat-tkabbir ekonomiku u għat-tqassim tal-ġid

    Waqt konferenza stampa dwar il-Budget 2020, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna spjega li l-qafas ta’ kull baġit li ħejja dan il-gvern mill-2013 ’l hawn ġie msejjes fuq erba’ pilastri. Wieħed minn dawn il-pilastri hu li jiġi xprunat it-tkabbir ekonomiku permezz ta’ tisħiħ f’setturi eżistenti u ta’ diversifikazzjoni f’setturi u f’niċeċ ġodda flimkien mal-miżuri tal-Making Work Pay…

  • EU needs to change its culture towards risk taking and innovation

    EU needs to change its culture towards risk taking and innovation

    “For many years after the financial crisis, EU investment and in particular investment in innovation, suffered the fate of government expenditure. As a result, R&D as a percentage of GDP in Europe is significantly lower than in the US. The EU needs to change its culture towards risk taking and innovation.” With Ms Christine LAGARDE,…

  • In Washington for IMF/ World Bank Annual meetings

    In Washington for IMF/ World Bank Annual meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna is attending the 2019 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) annual meetings in Washington, USA, which are being held between 15 and 21 October. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE These annual meetings serve as a platform for finance and development ministers, central bank governors,…

  • Ħarsa ġenerali lejn il-Baġit 2020 | A general overview of the 2020 Budget

    Ħarsa ġenerali lejn il-Baġit 2020 | A general overview of the 2020 Budget

    Bit-tema, Malta inkomplu nikbru flimkien, il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ppreżenta l-Baġitgħas-sena d-dieħla b’nefqa ta’ ħamest elef miljun ewro. Il-baġit ma fihx taxxi ġodda u fost il-miżuri li tħabbru hemm żewġ bonuses għal ħaddiema flimkien mal-kumpens għall-għoli tal-ħajja. Ser tonqos ukoll ir-rata tat-taxxa fuq is-sahra u tħabbar bonus għal kull tarbija li titwieled jew tiġi adotta.…

  • Energy taxation discussed at the Informal ECOFIN in Helsinki

    Energy taxation discussed at the Informal ECOFIN in Helsinki

    “While Malta is aware that the Energy Taxation Directive needs to be updated to reflect present day realities, and to help promote the use of renewable and clean energy sources, the removal of tax exemptions on aviation and shipping fuels will have serious repercussions on many member states, including Malta, unless tackled internationally. Ships will…



    B’referenza għan-numru ta’ siti qarrieqa li qegħdin jinxterdu fuq il-mezzi soċjali, il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi javża lill-pubbliku sabiex jinjorahom.  Jidher li fuq l-istess mezzi qegħdin jinxterdu ‘hyperlinks’ ta’ artikli qarrieqa dwar il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna, kif ukoll hemm oħrajn li malizjożament, qegħdin iħajru lill-pubbliku sabiex jinvestu flushom fi skemi qarrieqa. APPELL LILL-PUBBLIKU BIEX JINJORA TAGĦRIF QARRIEQI FUQ…

  • Fiscal data for the first half of 2019 in line with targets

    Fiscal data for the first half of 2019 in line with targets

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest Government Finance Data, published by the National Statistics Office (NSO), which shows that for the first half of this year, Government revenue continued to be bouyant, with the increase in tax revenue rising by €218 million or 12.5 per cent, reflecting an increase in employment income coupled with…

  • Fitch upgrades Malta’s rating outlook to positive

    Fitch upgrades Malta’s rating outlook to positive

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes Fitch’s outlook upgrade for Malta from ‘Stable’ to ‘Positive’ and its reaffirmation of the sovereign credit rating at A+. Fitch attributes the upgrade to Malta’s robust economic growth, positively noting that in 2018 Malta was the fastest growing economy in the European Union (EU). The fiscal surplus recorded in the…

  • Robust growth sustained in the first quarter of 2019

    Robust growth sustained in the first quarter of 2019

    During the first quarter of this year the Maltese economy continued to be amongst the top performing economies in the EU, growing by 4.9 per cent. In nominal terms, GDP increased by 7.4 per cent. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The year-on-year quarterly economic growth rate compared remarkably well with the average growth…

  • Miżura amministrattiva fiskali għal aktar ugwaljanza

    Miżura amministrattiva fiskali għal aktar ugwaljanza

    “Wettaqna miżura amministrattiva fiskali li għandha implikazzjonijiet għall-ugwaljanza.” Hekk saħaq il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fejn tħabbar kif koppji miżżewġa kif ukoll dawk f’unjoni ċivili ser ikollhom l-opportunità li jimlew il-formola tat-taxxa b’mod separat. STQARRIJA MILL- MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI U MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-AFFARIJIET EWROPEJ U L-UGWALJANZA Din il-miżura qed tiġi introdotta fid-dawl ta’ numru ta’ ilmenti…