Il-vantaġġ kompetittiv ta’ Malta qed jinbidel – Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna [WATCH]
Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna huwa tal-fehma li l-vantaġġ kompetittiv ta’ pajjiżna qed jinbidel u Malta jeħtieġ tindirizza din is-sitwazzjoni. Waqt li kien qed jindirizza s-Seba’ Konferenza Annwali dwar it-Tassazzjoni, organizzata mill-Malta Institute of Management, il-Professur Scicluna qal li huwa mhux jgħid li Malta qed titlef jew tiggwadanja b’dan imma l-kitba qiegħda fuq il-ħajt. “Mill-pożizzjoni li…
First Days.. As Maltese Minister for Finance
On the 14 March 2013 one day following his appointment as Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna accompanied Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat on his first EU summit. Prof Scicluna also attended his first Eurogroup meeting which focused on the Cyprus bail-out. They met with Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament and former…
Prime Minister says new Labour government is ‘staunchly European’
It was a very friendly and informal greeting that welcomed Prime Minister Joseph Muscat at the European Parliament in Rue Wiertz today, for his first official visit to the European institutions as Maltese prime minister. Waiting for him outside the European Parliament building, EP president Martin Schulz, a former leader of the Party of the…
Prof Edward Scicluna – Minister for Finance – Swearing-in Ceremony [WATCH]
The swearing-in of the new Cabinet was held at the Palace in Valletta. The ceremony was presided by President George Abela, accompanied by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the Chief Justice and the Attorney General. Edward Scicluna, Minister of Finance Budget Office, The Treasury, Inland Revenue, Indirect Taxation, Customs and Excise, Contracts, Financial Services Regulation, Malta…
Malta Election 2013 Results
Prof Edward Scicluna who contested the 5th and the 8th district was elected from both districts during the Malta General Elections held on the 9 March 2013. It was a historical landslide victory for the Partit Laburista over the Partit Nazzjonalista. [nggallery id=122] Il-Professur Edward Scicluna li kien qed jikkontesta l-Elezzjonijiet Ġenerali fid-9 ta’ Marzu…
InterContinental Hotel & Libyan Delegation meeting with PL
On Tuesday 5March, just a few days before the general elections, Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district Prof.Edward Scicluna accompanied Labour leader Joseph Muscat on two different occasions, the first at the HotelInterContinental in San Julian where he met with the management and staff of the hotel. Later Prof. Edward Scicluna waspart of…
PL to use benefits as work incentive
MEP Edward Scicluna has said that a Labour government would change the welfare system to encourage people to enter the labour market. Interviewed by The Times Business, the Labour candidate, who is expected to be given a senior economic Cabinet post if his party wins the election, said: “I always talked about the fact that…
Fondazzjoni IDEAT Conference “For a New Progressive Europe”
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna spoke during a panel discussion at a Conference of the Fondazzjoni IDEAT on the theme “For a New Progressive Europe” on Saturday 23 February at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta, during which a number of experts, NGO representatives and foreign politicians praised the proposals in the road map presented by…
Prof Scicluna accompanying S & D President of the European Parliament
Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district Prof Edward Scicluna continues in his relentless electoral campaigning which has now entered its final phase. During the weekend he accompanied the President of the Socialists and Democrats of the European Parliament Dr Hannes Swoboda who was invited by PL leader Dr. Joseph Muscat. On Saturday 16th…
Ġbir ta’ Fondi – Kampanja Elettorali 2013 – Ċentru Nazzjonali Laburista, Ħamrun
Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna participated during a fundraising marathon event towards the end of the electoral campaign last Sunday 10 February. Professor Scicluna answered telephone calls and met with the people who came to the Party Headquarters in Ħamrun with their donations. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u…