Feast of St. Peter in Chains, Birżebbuġa
On the occasion of the feast of St Peter in Chains, Birżebbuġa, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended two vocal and instrumental concerts one by the Soċjeta Filarmonika San Pietru Banda Birżebbuġa on Thursday 2nd August and the other on Friday 3rd August by the Għaqda Mużikali San Pietru fil-Ktajjen. Professor Scicluna presented a musical instrument to each of the…
Feast Madonna ta’ Pompei, Marsaxlokk
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna, last Sunday 29 July attended the vocal and instrumental concert performed by the Madonna ta’ Pompei Band Club in Marsaxlokk. Professor Scicluna appreciated the talent and dedication of so many people, especially of the youths involved in the organisation of the feast. Festa Madonna ta’ Pompei, Marsaxlokk L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista…
UHM Business Breakfast
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna praised the Union Ħaddiema Maqgħudin document ‘Active Labour Market Policy’ which was launched during a Business Breakfast held by the UHM on Wednesday 25th July. He was pleased that the study was supported by all the unions. He said that it was very important that the issue of precarious jobs…
Professor Edward Scicluna MEP addresses European Youth Press Journalists [VIDEO]
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna addressed a group of young journalists from around Europe on the role of the European Parliament on Friday 6th July. Professor Scicluna fielded several questions from the young journalists. The discussion covered issues including how austerity is affecting the European attitude towards showing solidarity with each other, the link between…
Scicluna – Govts must look at GDP and beyond
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna on Tuesday 26 June, called for European governments to give higher priority to policies aimed at improving the quality of life during a key-note speech at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. He told delegates that “the economic crisis has forced us to re-assess the traditional…
Prof. Edward Scicluna on Air Malta State Aid Decision [VIDEO]
The EU Commission has approved the Air Malta restructuring programme. The public pressure which I applied to the EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia during last week’s hearing in the European Parliament has clearly paid off. It is regrettable that it took a public embarrassment to finally get the government to do (give the Commission the…
L-MPEs fuq TVM
Ilu jkun innotat kif it-trattament mill-aħbarijiet tal-PBS tal-ħidma tal-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej Maltin, erba’ Laburisti u żewġ Nazzjonalisti, huwa nieqes minn kull sens ta’ ġustizzja. Stqarrijiet li joħorġu mill-MPEs Nazzjonalisti mill-ewwel isibu posthom fl-aħbarijiet ta’ TVM, hekk ukoll xi tagħrif ieħor dwarhom li jinkiseb. Mhux hekk, iżda, fejn jidħlu l-MPEs Laburisti, tant li kien hemm stqarrijiet…
FinanceMalta 5th Annual Conference 2012
Fil-konferenza annwali organizzata mill-FinanceMalta nhar il-Ġimgħa 18 ta’ Mejju, tkellem il-MPE Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna li spjega għaliex, tul dawn l-aħħar tliet snin, il-Parlament Ewropew għadda numru konsiderevoli ta’ liġijiet u regolamenti ġodda biex jirregolaw l-istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji. Il-Membri Parlamentari, b’dan kienu qed jirriflettu r-rabja kbira tan-nies li mhux biss tilfu flushom u l-penzjonijiet imma agħar minn hekk…
The MEP’s diary: Edward Scicluna
What do our Members of European Parliament (MEPs) go through during their weekly ordeal in Brussels and Strasbourg? di-ve.com’s “The MEP’s dairy” features one MEP’s agenda every Monday. Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna (Socialists and Democrats) goes through his diary entry for last week. The Parliament “green weeks,” when the legislative committees and political groups are…
MEP Scicluna nominated to represent Parliament on EU statistical board [VIDEO]
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna was today nominated by acclamation by the European Parliament’s Economic Committee (ECON) to represent the Parliament on the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC). ESAC is the governing body responsible for co-ordinating the production and maintaining the quality of statistics in the EU. Prof Scicluna will be the European Parliament’s only representative…