Scicluna to lead S & D group on eurobonds
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna has been appointed as the Socialist and Democrat group spokesman on eurobonds. Prof Scicluna negotiated the Parliament’s first proposal for eurobonds with Liberal MEP Sylvie Goulard during the economic governance ‘six pack’. They will now tackle the Commission Green Paper on “Options for Stability Bonds” which is widely expected to…
Nuqqas ta’ qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-KE
Nuqqas ta’ qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-KE Huma ħafna, u ta’ dan ma nagħtihomx tort, li jħalltu d-diskors tal-baġit mal-baġit innifsu. Id-diskors tal-Ministru hu biss diskrizzjoni tar-riżultat ta’ eżerċizzju tekniku u amministrattiv li jsir fuq perjodu ta’ xhur qabel. Kull ministru jkun involut. Però l-qafas isir mill-Ministru tal-Finanzi li jaħdem mill-qrib mal-Prim Ministru. Dan il-qafas…
L-Ewro Parlamentari Laburista Prof. Edward Scicluna mistieden fuq TVAM.
L-Ewro Parlamentari Labursita il-Professur Edward Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm TVAM tat-Tlieta 15 ta’ Novembru, 2011 fuq Television Malta flimkien mal-Ministru tal-Finanzi Tonio Fenech fejn gie diskuss il-Budget li gie ipprezentat il-bierah fil-Parlament… Prof. Scicluna tkellem dwar il-problema tad-dejn tal-pajjiz, il-miri tal-Gvern biex inaqqas id-deficit kif ukoll dwar id-decizjoni tal-Gvern li jzid il-leave tal-maternita’ suggett…
Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex visit to Malta.
Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex will be visiting Malta next week as a special guest of the President’s Award Malta, in preparation for the forthcoming International Award Forum. This is a triennial event chaired by Prince Edward and which brings together National Award Authorities of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award from all over…
Edward Scicluna on Papandreou’s move
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s decision to put the eurozone rescue plan to a referendum caused a new round of uncertainty on the eurozone. The question is: why did Papandreou decide for a referendum? Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna replying this question echoed by the “Times Business”, Thursday November 3, 2011, said that he can…
Getting to grips with statistics and damn lies
Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna was recently appointed as the European Parliament’s statistical governance rapporteur. “The Times” journalist Kurt Sansone talked to Prof. Scicluna seeking the background of the issue and the way forward. The Times carried Sansone’s report on Monday, October 31, 2011, titled “Getting to grips with statistics and damn lies”. Full report…
EP Plenary in Strasbourg – October 24, 2011
Edward Scicluna draws EU and G20 leaders’ attention to Global Economic Governance Report Addressing the European Parliament (EP) Plenary in Strasbourg on Monday, October 24, 2011, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna drew the attention of the European leaders at the EU Summit and the world leaders at the G20 Summit to “the many intelligent and…
EFSF should have the ability to function like a bank – Prof. Edward Scicluna
Prof. Edward Scicluna believes that the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) should have the ability to function like a bank and launch eurozone bonds taking the load off the back of the European Central Bank. Prof. Scicluna stated this when replying to questions by The Sunday Times journalist Kurt Sansone reporting for the paper’s Sunday,…
Malta’s struggle with debt is major cause for concern – economists
Prof. Edward Scicluna believes that in spite of Malta’s short term satisfactory economic growth, the future is not as bright, not just because of projected sluggish external demand, but because our low investment ratios will put a cap on our potential growth for the future. Prof. Scicluna’s opinion was quoted by maltatoday journalist Matthew Vella,…