Malta hit worse by financial crisis than believed
A report carried by The Sunday Times (11/09/2011) titled Malta hit worse by financial crisis than believed, quoted Prof. Edward Scicluna “that Malta’s economy in 2009 shrunk by 3.4 per cent, not two per cent as was originally reported by the National Statistics Office…….all the hype about Malta having avoided the impact of the economic…
Maltemp ghas-swieq finanzjarji tad-dinja
Fil-harga tal-Hadd, 14 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, il-gurnal KullHadd tratta s-suggett “Maltemp ghas-swieq finanzjarji tad-dinja”. Dan is-servizz kien jinkludi l-opinjoni ta’ Prof. Edward Scicluna dwar x’wassal ghal din is-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja prekarja li qed taffettwa s-swieq finanzjarji ta’ bosta pajjizi madwar id-dinja. Prof. Scicluna, li kien qed iwiegeb mistoqsijiet tal-gurnalista Krista Caruana, ta wkoll l-opinjoni tieghu dwar…
Rapport ta’ Hidma Jannar – Gunju 2011 Prof. Edward Scicluna MEP
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof. Edward Scicluna fi tmiem Lulju 2011 ipprezenta lit-Tmexxija u lill-Ezekuttiv Nazzjonali tal-Partit Laburista r-Rapport ta’ Hidma ghax-xhur Jannar/Gunju 2011. Fih Prof. Scicluna jaghti rendikont dettaljat ta’ hidmietu kemm fil-Parlament Ewropew kif ukoll barra minnu. Il-Membri Parlamentari Laburisti Ewropej jipprezentaw zewg rapporti fis-sena dwar hidmiethom fil-Parlament Ewropew lill-Ezekuttiv Nazzjonali tal-Partit, liema rapporti jkunu…
Prof. Scicluna’s EJJA U STAQSI at the Waterfront Hotel
Malta’s unspent EU funds was amongst the topics dealt with by Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna on Friday, July 15, 2011, during a Public Discussion themed “Ejja u Staqsi”. Venue of the event was The Waterfront Hotel, Gzira. This was the sixth Public Discussion held monthly by Prof. Scicluna on an Electoral District basis this…
Tkompli s-sensiela EJJA U STAQSI
Is-sensiela ta’ Diskussjonijiet Pubblici fuq bazi distrettwali bit-tema EJJA U STAQSI, mill-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna, kompliet nhar il-Gimgha, 17 ta’ Gunju, 2011, fil-Caraffa Vaults, Birgu Waterfront. Wara indirizz qasir minn Prof Scicluna l-udjenza ghamlet diversi mistoqsijiet li kienu jitrattaw suggetti varji, fosthom dwar kif se tkun qed tahdem il-Governanza Ekonomika; x’jista’ jkun l-effett tal-krizi…
Prof Edward Scicluna jkompli bis-sensiela ta’ Diskussjonijiet Pubblici
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna nhar il-Gimgha, 20 ta’ Mejju, 2011, kompla bis-sensiela ta’ Diskussjonijiet Pubblici bit-tema EJJA U STAQSI. Is-sensiela ssir fuq bazi distrettwali u din kienet immirata ghat-Tmien Distrett Elettorali u saret Il Cortile, Naxxar. Tul din l-attivita Prof Scicluna wiegeb ghal diversi mistoqsijiet min-naha tal-udjenza li b’rizultat taghhom tratta diversi suggetti, fosthom…
Let’s not be strong with the weak and weak with the strong
Prof Edward Scicluna said that with regards to irregular immigration our guiding principle should be “not to be weak with the strong and strong with the weak”. There has to be a detention policy but it should never be accepted that pitiful, shameful conditions prevail at these detention centers. “What I saw at the Marsa…
Malta’s debt to GDP ratio and the deficit
The Malta Business Weekly (28 April 2011) asked Prof Edward Scicluna for his reaction to the fact that at the end of 2010 Malta registered at debt to GDP ratio of 68%, beyond the 60% benchmark, but less than the 69.1% of GDP projected in the national budget. He was also referred to the Government…
Prof Edward Scicluna addresses CEPS event
On March 22nd 2011, Prof Edward Scicluna spoke as a guest speaker at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) event “The Lisbon Treaty changes: theory applied” on the European Stability Mechanism established by the new treaty change. The event was held in Brussels. During his speech, Prof Scicluna spoke about the need for all…
Scicluna discusses Libya crisis with House of Lords foreign affairs experts
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today addressed the House of Lords select committee on Foreign Affairs as part of their inquiry into the situation of North Africa and governance issues in North and sub-Saharan Africa. Prof Scicluna, who was also invited to discuss the role of the European Parliament in African countries, talked about the…