Fitch Ratings affirms Malta’s credit rating at A+ with a stable outlook
Malta’s high national income per head, robust economic growth, large net external creditor position, and strong governance indicators led to another positive credit rating, this time by Fitch Ratings. Indeed, the Credit Rating Agency affirmed Malta’s credit rating at A+ with a stable outlook. Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna comments, “This positive rating,…
Il-HBS jikkonferma titjib fil-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji Maltin
Waqt il-ftuħ tal-preżentazzjoni tal-Household Budgetary Survey mill-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika (NSO), il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna qal li dan is-survey jikkonferma titjib fil-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji Maltin. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Il-Ministru qal li dan huwa rifless fil-modi ta’ kif varja l-basket tan-nefqa tal-familji Maltin, fejn fost oħrajn naqas il-proporzjon tal-basket tan-nefqa fuq l-ikel, u żdiedet in-nefqa fuq il-ħwejjeġ…
Fiscal surplus reaches €85 million in the first eleven months
The surplus in the consolidated fund balance rose to €85 million in the first eleven months of this year. According to the latest NSO release, this represents an improvement of €145 million, turning a deficit of €60 million in the period January to November of last year to a surplus this year. PRESS RELEASE BY…
Africa has reasons to be moderately optimistic
“African countries have reasons to be moderately optimistic with regard to bridging the huge existing financing gap, since both globally and for us Europeans the financial crisis and its associated austerity is behind us.” PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE “Various initiatives by existing and newly set-up international development banks including the European Investment…
A surplus of €4.3 million for the first ten months
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the latest Government Finance Data published today by NSO, confirming a surplus of €4.3 million in the consolidated fund balance for the period January to October of this year. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This represents an improvement of €109.2 million, turning a deficit of €104.9 million…
Another positive report on Malta’s economic performance
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomes the European Commission’s autumn forecast, published yesterday, which expects the Maltese economy to continue growing robustly with record low unemployment and moderate wage growth, with the current account and the budget balances set to remain in surplus. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE Malta is expected to also…
Consistent improvement in the fiscal balance in the first nine months of 2017
A surplus of €56.4 million was recorded in the consolidated fund balance for the first nine months of this year. This represented an improvement of €120.1 million in the consolidated fund balance, turning a deficit of €63.6 million recorded in January to September last year, to a surplus this year. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE This significant improvement was…
Finance Minister in Washington for IMF/WB meetings
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna is holding talks with senior officials of leading international financial institutions on the fringes of the 2017 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) annual meetings in Washington D.C., the USA between 12 and 15 October 2017. Minister Scicluna is discussing Malta’s economic, fiscal, and…
Żewġ ċertifikati oħra lill-pajjiżna fl-ewwel mitt jum tal-leġislatura
Bi sfond li jfakkar l-ewwel mitt jum ta’ ħidma tat-tieni leġislatura ta’ Gvern Laburista, il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna indirizza konferenza tal-aħbarijiet li fiha tkellem dwar l-aħħar żewġ ċertifikati ta’ suċċess miksuba għal pajjiżna. Il-Ministru Scicluna innota kif il-Fond Konsolidat kellu surplus ta’ €31 miljun fl-ewwel tmien xhur tas-sena, filwaqt li Standard and Poor’s bidlet it-tbassir…
Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna nieda numru ta’ inċentivi fiskali mmirati għal min iħaddem u l-impjegati tagħhom sabiex jidħlu fi skemi ta’ pensjonijiet privati volontarji. L-inċentivi huma fost il-miżuri mħabbrin fil-Budget għal din is-sena. Il-Ministru Scicluna enfasizza li meta min iħaddem joffri skemi bħal dawn għall-impjegati tiegħu jkun qed jattira u jżomm miegħu l-aħjar talent.…