Economy continues steaming steadily ahead
The 6.4 per cent economic growth reported by the NSO for the second quarter of 2017 means that Malta has once again recorded the highest economic growth rate in the EU with a growth rate which is nearly thrice the average growth recorded in the EU28 (2.2 per cent) and the Euro Area (2.1 per…
Fitch upgrades Malta’s credit rating to A+ with a stable outlook
The Ministry for Finance is pleased to attest to another milestone achieved by the Labour Government this year. Indeed, following Standard and Poor’s credit rating upgrade in October of last year, Fitch has now upgraded Malta’s sovereign credit rating from A to A+ with a stable outlook. The upgrade reflects the progress made by this…
Ħruġ ta’ bond tal-Gvern għall-anzjani: wegħda oħra mwettqa
Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ta dettalji dwar it-tnedija ta’ Savings Bond li għalih huwa eliġibbli li japplikaw dawk l-individwi li twieldu matul is-sena 1955 jew qabel. Konxju mit-tnaqqis drastiku fid-dħul addizzjonali li l-pensjonanti kien qed ikollhom, fid-dawl ta’ tnaqqis tar-rati t’imgħax fuq depożiti fissi mal-banek kummerċjali li kellhom fl-aħħar snin, “kien għalhekk li fil-budget ta’…
Malta with highest surplus in the EU – Eurostat
Malta’s fiscal surplus of €44.2 million recorded for the first quarter of 2017 has now been termed by Eurostat as being the highest ratio within the EU. At 3.5 per cent of GDP, Malta has exceeded the surplus reported by Germany and the Netherlands, both at 1.5 per cent. The surplus for the first…
Il-Ministru Edward Scicluna jixtieq jesprimi s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu għall-attendenzi numerużi tad-delegati fil-laqgħat li kellu tul din il-kampanja. Jixtieq jirringrazzja lid-delegati li pparteċipaw b’ interess u attenzjoni għal dak li ġie preżentat, kif ukoll għas-suġġerimenti utli li ressqu. L-idea tal-Ministru Scicluna li tiġi ntrodotta s-sistema ta’ ‘Green Week’ biex permezz tagħha Ministri u Segretarji Parlamentari flimkien mal-Membri…
Sistema ġdida ta’ accounting finanzjarju għas-settur pubbliku
Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ddeskriva l-ġurnata tal-lum bħala waħda importanti ħafna għall-pajjiż peress li ġie ffirmat ftehim li permezz tiegħu se ssir bidla radikali fis-sistema tal-accounting għas-settur pubbliku kollu. Din is-sistema kienet ilha mwegħda għal bosta snin iżda beda x-xogħol fuq it-tender fl-2014. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Din is-sistema, imsejħa Corporate Financial Management Solution (CFMS)…
Ftehim għall-finanzjament ta’ proġett kbir ta’ ‘affordable housing’
F’ċerimonja fil-Ministeru għall-Finanzi, ppreseduta mill-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna, sar l-iffirmar ta’ ftehim għall-finanzjament ta’ proġett kbir ta’ affordable housing li se jkun mifrux fuq medda ta’ ħames snin. Il-ftehim huwa bejn Malita Investments u żewġ banek Ewropej; il-European Investment Bank (EIB) u l-Council of European Development Bank (CEB). Malita se tkun qiegħda tissellef €25 miljun…
Tliet istituzzjonijiet jagħtu rendikont ta’ xogħolhom lill-Ministru Edward Scicluna
F’konferenza stampa fil-bini fejn jiltaqa’ l-Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB), il-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ġie ppreżentat b’rapport ta’ ħidma mill-PCRB għas-sena 2016. It-tliet istituzzjonijiet iltaqgħu għall-ewwel darba flimkien sforz ix-xogħol tagħhom li jirrigwardja l-infiq pubbliku. Iċ-Chairman ta’ PCRB Dr Anthony Cassar qal li fis-sena 2016 l-effiċjenza żdiedet – fejn qabel iż-żmien ta’ meta jidħol appell…
The Maltese Presidency commended for successfully steering forward the European Union agenda
The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union has chaired its last ECOFIN Council today, which was held in Luxembourg, and chaired by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna. This meeting ended a very successful and highly commendable performance by the Maltese Presidency of the Economic and Financial matters of the council. Malta,…
Brighter future for the Malta Stock Exchange
Availability of credit in Malta and in the EU is constrained by the willingness of the banks to extend it to those seeking it. A stronger capital market will seek to address such shortfall, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna said. Speaking at the Malta Stock Exchange, Minister Scicluna addressed the importance of…