We rely on your good judgement
Dear Friends, At election time, there is always the temptation for politicians to appear with eye-catching promises and pledges. Yesterday, Lawrence Gonzi and Tonio Fenech revealed their electoral plans to increase government recurrent expenditure annually by €120 million, and displacing annual capital expenditure by quickly-thought-out projects costing €165 million each year. The total bill for…
PL Press Conferences – Monday, 28th January, 2013
Professor Edward Scicluna MEP and Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district is working through a very busy schedule with his election campaign. On Monday 28 January Prof. Scicluna joined Labour leader Dr Joseph Muscat when he addressed a Press Conference during which 8 proposals to incentivise businesses and families were announced. Also present…
PL Press Conference at Birżebbuġa Waterpolo Pitch
On Friday 25th January Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Professor Edward Scicluna attended a press conference addressed by Labour leader Joseph Muscat near the Birżebbuġa waterpolo pitch. Dr. Muscat said that a new Labour Government will invest in a complex that the Birżebbuġa residents will be proud of.…
Prof Scicluna at PL Press Conferences on Malta’s Economy and S&P’s Credit rating downgrade [WATCH]
Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Prof Edward Scicluna MEP was present for two Press Conferences called by Partit Laburista on the 16th and the 17th January respectively regarding the Party’s election pledge: economic growth for a better quality of life and the second downgrade for Malta in a year by…
Campaign Trail
Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna MEP is taking an active part in the Partit Laburista general elections campaign attending mass meetings, party rallies, conferences and other political activities. This week he attended activities at Mqabba, Marsaxlokk and Gozo whilst continuing his personal campaign in the 5th and 8th districts,…
Results of a Noise Survey for Birżebbuġa
In 2009, the Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd were denied their requested extension by MEPA mainly due to the fact that the Environmental Impact Assessment did not carry out a scientifically accepted Social Impact Assessment, including a Noise Survey. Subsequently, about a year later, the Freeport extension was approved by MEPA conditional on Malta Freeport accepting…
Birżebbuġa Problems
On Saturday 5th January Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna attended a Press Conference addressed by the Birżebbuġa mayor Joseph Farrugia who accused the Nationalist government led by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi of ignoring the needs of the locality and of promises the government did not keep. Mayor Farrugia…
New Year’s Greetings
On Tuesday 1st January Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna was part of the Labour Party MP’s, MEP’s and candidates delegation that visited the President George Abela, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, the Archbishop Paul Cremona and the leader of the Opposition Joseph Muscat for conveying of the New…
Prof. Edward Scicluna files Judicial Protest against Broadcasting Authority
Earlier today, Prof Edward Scicluna MEP filed a judicial protest against the Broadcasting Authority. In his protest, Prof Scicluna argued that the Broadcasting Authority’s decision to suspend his weekly programme ‘MEP u Int’ broadcasted by a local private commercial television station was abusive and discriminatory in his regard. Prof Scicluna argued that since the MEP…
l-istrina mill-Qalb 2012
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna ingħaqad ma’ ħafna personalitajiet oħra fil-maratona annwali ta’ ġbir ta’ fondi ‘l-istrina mill-qalb’ b’risq il-Community Chest Fund. Huwa għamel ħin twil iwieġeb it-telefonati tan-nies li taw l-għotjiet tal-flus għal din il-kawża nobbli. Il-Professur Scicluna esprima s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu għas-suċċess kbir tal-istrina mill-qalb ta’ din is-sena.…