Category: People First

  • Flexicurity: Europe’s employment solution?

    Flexicurity: Europe’s employment solution?

    European labour markets are generally considered to be too rigid. Making labour market rules more flexible while at the same time providing a good level of social protection is one of the main challenges of the EU’s strategy for economic, social and environmental reform (the ‘Lisbon Agenda’). Source: In a reportfor the European Commission, economist André…

  • Labour market reforms

    Labour market reforms

    The 1997 Luxembourg Jobs Summit launched the idea of a European Employment Strategy. The strategy has three objectives: achieving full employment, increasing productivity and quality at work and promoting cohesion. Source: In response to the twin challenges of globalisation and demographic changes (ageing population), the European Council (in Lisbon and later in Thessaloniki) has…

  • Having no female MEPs ’embarrassing’

    Having no female MEPs ’embarrassing’

    It is “shameful” that Malta has no women MEPs, according to Labour MEP Edward Scicluna. “Before going in for a parliamentary session, I often ask Louis [Grech, MEP] if he’s put on his turban, as we’re like the Taliban,” Prof. Scicluna joked, adding it was “embarrassing” for the country that it had no female MEPs.…

  • MEP proposes temporary quotas for women

    MEP proposes temporary quotas for women

    Temporary quotas should be established to give females a better chance of participating in the upper echelons of power, MEP Edward Scicluna said this morning. Speaking at a conference organised by European Parliament Office in collaboration with the National Council of Women, Prof. Scicluna said he “could not imagine” the committees of the European Parliament…