Edward Scicluna on Crossroads


The Budget expectations, the economic policies of the Nationalist Government, the deficit, the National debt and the economic crisis in the neighboring countries were some of the subjects that Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Professor Edward Scicluna discussed during the programme ‘Crossroads’. Other subjects discussed during the programme were the lack of foreign investment, the working population and the government’s insensitivity to these issues.


The programme was presented by Pawlu Micallef on Favourite channel on Monday 27th November 2012. The other guest on the programme was the Nationalist candidate Gejtu Vella.



L-aspettativi tal-Baġit, il-politika ekonomika tal-gvern Nazzjonalista, id-defiċit, id-dejn Nazzjonali u il-kriżi ekonomika tal-pajjiżi ta’ madwarna kienu fost it-temi li tkellem dwarhom l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna fil-programm ta’ diskussjoni ‘Crossroads’ fuq Favourite Channel. Suġġetti oħra diskussi kienu it-tnaqqis fl-investiment barrani, il-proporzjon ta’ nies li jaħdmu f’Malta, il-kompetittivita’ u l-faqar, u l-insensittivita’ tal-gvern għal dawn il-problemi.


Il-programm, ippreżentat minn Pawlu Micallef, ixxandar nhar it-Tlieta 27 ta’ Novembru 2012 u ħa sehem ukoll l-kandidat tal-partit Nazzjonalista Gejtu Vella.



– Favoutire Channel, Crossroads : Tuesday, 27th November, 2012

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