Il-MPE laburista Professur Edward Scicluna ġie intervistat mill-ġurnalista Jonathan Attard u tkellem dwar l-importanza kbira għal Malta il-proposta tal-Partit Laburista dwar il-Garanzija għaż-Żagħżagħ Tagħlim-Taħriġ-Xogħol. Prof Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm ‘Breakfast News’ fuq ONE. Huwa qal ukoll li l-bidla fil-presidenza franciża ġabet magħha reazzjoni pożittiva fost is-Soċjalisti Ewropej u fil-bqija tal-gruppi fi ħdan il-Parlament Ewropew u anke fil-Kunsill tal-Ministri.
Labour MEP Edward Scicluna was interviewed by journalist Jonathan Attard about the importance of the Malta Labour Party’s proposal Youth Guarantee ‘Education-Training-Work’. Prof. Scicluna was a guest on the program ‘Breakfast News’ on ONE. He also said that the change in the French presidency has brought about a positive response not only among the European Socialists but also among the rest of the groups within the European Parliament and even within the Council of Ministers.
– Breakfast News ONE : Friday, 25th May, 2012