Prof Edward Scicluna on TV HEMM – TVM – 07.02.2013

Nhar il-Ħamis 7 ta’ Frar il-Prof Scicluna ipparteċipa fuq il-programm TVHEMM flimkien mal-Ministru tal-Finanzi Tonio Fenech ippreżentat minn Norman Vella. F’dan il-programm il-Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar is-saħħa, l-istipendju u ż-Żona Ewro.




On Thursday 7 February Prof. Scicluna was invited on the programme TVHEMM presented by Norman Vella. During this program Prof Scicluna discussed issues related to health, the stipend system and the Euro Zone together with Finance Minister Tonio Fenech who also participated in the programme.



– TV HEMM, TVM : Thursday 7 February, 2013



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