The UK is insisting that there will be cuts in the upcoming European Union budget for the next 7 years. In this MEP u INT programme Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna talks about the UK’s government stand in the EU budget negotiations and also about UK’s attitude within the European Union.
The program L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV with a repeat on Sunday at 6.40pm
L-Ingilterra u l-Baġit tal-Unjoni Ewropea
In-negozjati għall-baġit tal-Unjoni Ewropea għas-7 snin li ġejjin u l-insistenza tal-gvern Ingliż li jkun hemm tnaqqis f’dan il-baġit huwa s-suġġett prinċipali ta’ dan il-programm L-MEP u INT 140. F’dan il-programm l-Ewroparlamentari Ewropew Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna jitkellem dwar dan u r-relazzjoni tal-Ingilterra vis-a-vis l-Unjoni Ewropea.
Il-programm L-MEP U Int jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV b’repetizzjoni il-Ħadd fis-6.40pm
– Smash TV : Friday, 23 November, 2012