Credit Ratings Agencies – L-MEP u Int – Prog 76

Ftit tal-granet ilu Moody’s, wahda mit-tliet credit ratings agencies internazzjonali ewlenin, tista’ tghid li sfiducjat ghal kollox lill-Portugall minkejja li l-pajjiz kien ghadu kemm qabel li jimplimenta mizuri ta’ awsterita fid-direzzjoni lejn kontroll tas-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja u ekonomika hazina hafna li jinsab fiha. Jidher li din kienet il-mossa li kienet qed tistenna l-Unjoni Ewropea biex tisplodi kontra dawn l-agenziji.
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof. Edward Scicluna tratta dan is-suggett fil-
programm televiziv L-MEP U INT fuq Smash TV nhar il-Gimgha, 15 ta’ Lulju, 2011.




One can say that Moody’s, one of the three main international credit ratings agencies, has recently lost all confidence in Portugal in spite of the fact that the latter had just agreed to implement austerity measures to control its bad financial and economical situation. It seems that this was the move that the European Union was expecting to go off the deep end against these agencies. The Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna tackled this subject during the television programme l-MEP u INT on Smash TV on
Friday 15 July 2011.


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